
Look at this line

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Size 12 4E checking in. This is what I do:

Some also have Multiband 6, where the watch will sync time with atomic time through radio towers every night. You’ll always have accurate time.

Some also have Multiband 6, where the watch will sync time with atomic time through radio towers every night. You’ll

0-60 6.4 SEC

As someone who works in advertising, you hit the nail on the head with all your comments. The peeps who don’t get it are not the target demo. This ad accomplishes that when someone goes to shop for cars, the first brand they’re going to think of when they’re looking for a “grown up” or “cool, yet classy” car is a

I used to live in an Arab country. When my wife neede birth control, she goes to any pharmacy and buys it over the counter for $4. Want to buy 6 at a time? No problem. 12? No problem. She bought a year’s supply all at once, no issues.

Case in point.

Math? $50 for the Pi + $70 for your fancy case is $120. This thing is $150. ??????????????

And you don’t have to go through the hassle of doing the Pi up yourself, which some people don’t want to fuck with.

Anyone with an inkling of intelligence (not William Turton) could’ve smelled this from a mile away. But those sweet clicks.

I’d sure like listening to the lady on the right talk all about cars on our way to a fancy Italian restaurant (Olive Garden, I have coupons).

Thanks for the link! I appreciate it.

-No guarantee it will be done right.

That’s not how responses to someone asking for help works...

I don’t understand. Are you asking, or are you unsure? You ended your sentence with a question mark.

How does image reactions work?

LOL #cotd