
Dear Toyota/Subaru, make it a hybrid, charge $30,000 and market it as the affordable everyday 918/NSX/McLaren P1.

Found the lawyer.

Suikoden II is also one of my favorite games of all time. A perfect and extremely fun RPG.

GT 240 1gb plays the game on ultra 60fps @ 720p with shadows turned down one step. I'm pretty happy with that.

Now playing

I always loved the intro music from Last Blade 2 and when I found out SNK did a live orchestra recording of it I fell in so much love with it!!!!!!! It's so good!

Thanks for showing me the way to get a free swiftkey x!!! I ran out the trial mode and have been wanting it so bad. Sometimes Swype is just so annoying and irritating!!! And all the other keyboards suck compared to how fast and precise swiftkey is.

The game is really boring. I just was randomly playing a bunch of sega-cd games one day and came across it. When I did some research about the game I became interested, but after 30+ minutes of scrolling through dialogue that seems to have been ripped from every sci-fi movie ever created, it got really really boring.

What? lol

Well sorry, the 30+ guys who were sitting around the xbox when they just got dead or alive called him master chief or whatever so I thought that was him.

You should add in where it falls short the nagging to pay. Sometimes I accidentally click something and then BAM nag to pay. It got annoying so I switched to Go Launcher EX, which is basically the same thing with more customization.

I like 19 with the reflection. How did he do that? It's awesome.

Boobs against a pipe? I'm in!

I'm glad Sony doesn't stoop as low as Microsoft by putting FPS characters and vehicles into other genre games just to get the people who only play that FPS game to buy it, such as Dead Or Alive with master chief and now a halo vehicle in a racing simulator. I think it's just a really cheap way to get your product

Friends don't like friends record shaky cam videos!!!

Dude, saying ginger is just as bad as saying nigger!! Lets keep the offensive terms to a minimum Kotaku??

The graphics are not that good to be honest. Looks like the game came out in 2007 or something.... and the trailer doesn't help that much either. But if the gameplay is good, I'll be sure to play it.

I'm glad Sega are finally releasing a virtua fighter game, but I think this is just really lazy. Virtua Fighter 5 came out in 2007, and now this is just a re-adjusted version. This game is 4 years old already.... they should've just released Virtua Fighter 6 already.

My Dad still has his 1985 Sony casette deck + amplifier kit and the found quality on it KICKS ASS!!! Its huge and really heavy, but honestly it sounds stellar.

And that game where you ski down the hill and the grey monster catches and eats you after a while.