
The thing I remember the most about DOS is those damn long setups just to install a game! You had to know all your hardware and choose it during the setup screen JUST RIGHT or something wouldn't work in the game properly. Sound blaster this, sound blaster that lol.

I think its unfair that you use dickhead in the title of the article, and that you're calling him one. If it were me, I'd call the artcile "dumbass women give passwords to mastermind hacker."

Yeah, cause owning a dog at all is humane?

Import the video in a video editing program, such as sony vegas, and you'll see a video and audio channel, all you have to do is ungroup the video and audio, then drag the audio back a bit to sync up the audio and video.

For new school systems you should check out the Hauppauge HD PVR. I bought it recently and its been working beautifully for all my PS3 capture needs. All the recording and rendering is done on the box itself so you can even run it with a laptop and it will capture everything perfectly. I record everything at 720p and


Thanks for helping rebuild my country. Sorry about the Dog and all, but you had to do what you had to do, and also yellow walkmans are awesome!

Well there won't be any Kuwaiti women signing up, as 95% of them use fake names and only post pictures of themselves looking away from the camera.

Yep, exactly what I was going to say.

Tried it. Overly bloated, slow, and froze on me a bunch of times.

Man I miss Adium since I switched to a Windows laptop. Pidgin is just way too basic and windows 98 looking, digsby is a huge resource hog and finding and applying skins/whatever is such a pain in the butt and it still looks bad, and miranda is just TOO complex!

You guys have it so good. Here in Kuwait they JUST introduced download caps. If you have a 1mbps connection plan, which costs $35 USD per month (10ish kd), your cap is 1.7gb per day. PER DAY!!!! After that they turn your speed down 75%, which would be 256 kbps, until 3am next day. This is called the FUP, fair usage

Dear friend,

A lot of what people are recommending is teen anime stuff. Personally, I can't stand that shit. I watch and like adult oriented Anime. These are 3 of my favorite that I advise you to check out:

Every yearly super car battle, it's mostly Keichi Tsuchiya who wins, and he's the one whos always driving a Japanese car. They put him in a Japanese car on purpose cause they know he's the best driver and will probably win.

Can it read/write to flash drives? I could by the wifi version, then get a 3g usb stick from a company here.

Oh boo hoo 250gb/150gb a month!!! You know what my cap is here in Kuwait? 1.6gb A DAY!!! Yes, I'm not joking at all. You have 1.6gb a day and then they cut your speed down 75%, which is basically dial up speeds.

Laptop and Lord of the Rings trilogy. Go on a plane almost every year and its usually 12-14 hours, watching LOTR trilogy gets me by it without noticing.

I think the question is if letting people know if a character in a video game likes it up its butt or giving wiener to some hairy man butthole adds any value to the game or if its even relevant.