
Disagree. If you want a phone above the level of regular phones, and you're interested in using the phone to call people and text, then these lower end android phones are just fine.

Now playing

Dude, check out Fire Strikeron the SNES, a personal favorite of mine. It's an awesome mix of RPG style and breakout, in a weird cool game concept. This game you posted about reminded me of it instantly lol.

Wow!!! You guys are doing a how to series that doesn't require $300+ software that no person is willing to pay when they're just starting out, and the people who do own that software are probably professionals, therefore making a how-to series for that software redundant?!?! NICE!!

I've always been between firefox and chrome, well ever since chrome showed up on the scene. But after FF4, I completely switched over to Chrome. Aside from the blatant copying of the UI and feel of chrome, I don't feel much a difference between FF4 and FF3. I like chrome better now.

Thanks for the theme! I'll check it out.

Forget all the conspiracy videos, and all that other stuff. If there is one movie to watch, it has to be the Architects And Engineers For 9/11 Truth presentation, completely debunking that the twin towers could have fallen because of airline impact. The presentation is backed by over 1,000 different professional

Yeah like how gamers don't "need" to play SC2 at 1900x1200 resolution on a 21" screen, or people don't "need" 1080p because at certain distances and certain screen sizes, it's scientifically impossible to tell it apart from 720p.

Not to mention he probably charged it and is in debt for a couple years with high interest over it. :P

The funny thing is most of those advanced tactics like 1-frame reversal windows, cancels, combos, tick throws, and all that, were implemented in later versions of street fighter 2. I was explicitly sourcing SF2 the original game for a reason, and the fact that things got more complex and more things were added in

I'm sorry, but you clearly have not played any of the fighting games if you honestly believe that MVC3 (actually haven't played this because it's not out) or SF4 are less complex than SF2. Please do your research and play the games. Been playing fighting games from the age of 6 and have played almost all major

I like how you wrote "Stop trying to control the digital market," when that's exactly what Steam is trying to do lol.

Fighting games have gone backwards in terms of development. They started out simple, and then they got more complex as time went on. There is a huge barrier for entry for fighting games because of the amount of stuff you have to learn, and execute, in order to stay alive in the game. Street Fighter 2 was more of a,

Dreamcast wasn't ahead of it's time. Stop saying it was.

Growing up my parents had a different kind of rule that I think was effective. No gaming on the weekdays. We could only play on the weekends. And if you think about it, that's not much time, because we were always doing something on the weekend, and the last day of the week we would be doing homework or studying for a