
Nah. I think the rating is fine. It's that it opened so soon after Beauty and the Beast that messed it up. If they had chose another month I think they would have done perfectly fine. I loved the movie myself. It was really setting up for a series.

There are reviews, though

Waiting for you first cuz you're one to talk. A sad day that someone like you found this site. Keep your behind over at b0ssip. This site doesn't need people from there spewing crap.

Omg. I'm so sad that you found this site. B0ssip crazies have infiltrated this site. Now I'm just waiting for lipstick alley to join.

Could work!

Well excuse me for missing that episode

I kinda hope she does, too. She can be like Pearl's Connie.

Mine was when Pam got hypnotized and started acting like Martin.

Have you noticed when the kkk rally in public that the cops are there to keep them sade from harm, HOWEVER, of its a BLM protest, they're there to make sure they don't harm others?

And that's something all these people aren't understanding on the internet.

good idea. I would sue the h311 out if them.

good idea. I would sue the hell out of them.

they are right. When people usually bring up the "gay agenda" it's usually negative.

That's true. There are many British actors on the walking dead, too. A lot of them do pretty well at a southern accent. They still can fool me (I'm from Georgia) but they do a really good job lol.

For a Brit, Franz (Jax) has a very convincing urban American accent. If I didn't already know who he was I would be completely fooled.

Nah, I like firestorm

Someone pointed out that angel has little talons on the ends of his wings! I like these wings better than x3. Though they looked nice too

Oh, they're still making that same stupid [non]joke. He never looked like Ooze to begin with.

Hopefully not there!

I said the same about Jackman