

Harsh much? It's supposed to be soapy and over dramatic. They said that we'll before the first season.

I'm still wondering why walker fingers are still pretty good looking compared to the rest of their bodies. Youd think after all of that clawing they're have knarled fingers. Well, that and you never see their legs.

I liked it.

Mm. Ham and biscuits.

I've always wondered why their arms and fingers aren't more decayed or practically bone. All of that clawing and rubbing against stuff you'd think their fingers would look worse.


Calm down. I've watched every episode. How know how Carl was.

I just…..I can't stand that kid…….and I thought Carl got on my nerves.

I have hooks that you can attach to glasses and keeps them from sliding.

It's kinda hard for me. They're everywhere!!! I'm just trying to understand their way of thinking. I hate everything about something I've never seen so I'm going to surround myself with the thing I hate.
They've said since day 1 that they hate this movie and won't go see it. Why show up to every scrap of news about

Lol. More than just these boards.

Guess I did.

Then that gives me ample evidence that they are indeed whiners and complainers. If their ideas are better than everyone else's you'd think more would ho to school, become a director, and make it the "right" way

You know it doesn't make sense. But keep coming up with your tired excuses. Still, all of it's fake and it's NOT the same.

Seems that way.

In that case purists have to understand that this is not the original. Their precious source material is still the same as it always was. I don't think it's right they try to sway other people to not watch it just because they've had a bias and their minds made up since day one.

Wouldn't be the same, though.

I'm just surprised theyre going strong after a year. Youd think they'd get tired of it by now

Purists shouldn't have a problem with the age, should they? He is younger in the ultimates version.