Better check those last 2 sentences - it’s on Disney+
Better check those last 2 sentences - it’s on Disney+
I’m on playstation vue so I guess I’ll just wait and see what happens. Oddly enough I had to use HBO Go when I was on Cox but when I switched I have to use HBO Now.
Oh I fully fucking know they suck hard. Oddest experience in my life when I drove my first. I’ve wanted one since I was 8 and they came out. Driving it was awful and it confirmed every bad thing I’d ever heard about them and yet I left wanting one more than I ever had.
Good luck with the lung cancer, liver disease, heart problems, mouth cancer, teeth issues....
My grandparents also beat their children and were absurdly racists does that mean - oh shit, yeah - that works if I’m black lol
This is awful but Lech picked the wrong statute to try and use to get his money back. The cops didn’t use his property and he was never going to win that argument.
Or the white house thanks
They won’t do it. They’ll say they can’t take the time off work or something.
First thing - I noticed you didn’t list the number and amount of tickets owed by those examples that are suing.
Where I live def falls below 45F and we get ice and snow more than a handful of times a year. But it also hits 50 in the winter at times, sometimes warmer. No way in hell am I switching tires for those days (I’d have to swap at least 4-5 times a winter) or driving the winter tires on a day when its 50 out.
You just described every first gen viper - the panel gaps suck across the board.
I bet you could get them down to $24k. Then a wrap for $3-4k later and it’s all fixed.
Good, more for me who actually appreciate this car for what it is. And yes, I’ve driven them.
No specific recommendation but I will say this - when you go to the store, if you want to get a gas one, look at the hour rating for the engines. All of the cheapest ones will have a 50-100 hour rating. The more expensive ones are usually rated for 400 - but the key is they don’t cost 4 times as much. The 50-100…
No specific recommendation but I will say this - when you go to the store, if you want to get a gas one, look at the…
Battery powered leaf blowers are outselling gas 3-1 right now. Hearing damage? Particulate matter? Please....
Battery powered leaf blowers are outselling gas 3-1 right now. Hearing damage? Particulate matter? Please....
You don’t have to commit a crime for the police to approach you
And with this article the root is dead. He’s right. Show me the murder of ANY black boy at the hands of the cop and I can guarantee and show you what he did wrong with respect to the cops that ultimately caused his death.
Its clear that you and the author have not been to church in a LONG time. Don’t speak about what you don’t know. Church is not fire and brimstone for the most part anymore and I’d rather live a decent life based on a supposed fairy tale and go to heaven than not. What’s the downside?
Well this is what happens when you feel like you get to choose your gender or feel like you don’t have one. Even the fucking computers know what you’re supposed to be or were born as. I for one am glad this is happening, people who get to pick their gender need to have as many fucking obstacles in their path as…
My camper has a 7 pin plug, as does my truck, and it does charge the batteries in my camper when I’m hauling it.