
If you don’t like the idea of people knowing you’re in porn then maybe don’t do it?  Hiding behind a fake name seems stupid at best.  This is kinda what they deserve, and I have no problem with porn.  

Why is her titty saying what?  lol

1 is hard, 3 doesn’t exist (no side effects?). But I agree it’s a start. Along with proper (non abstinence) sex ed.

This was a female cop.

I’d take more abuse than that for $200k but whatever

This is a great idea!  

If you sleep 8-10 or more hours a night and still feel very sleepy and tired then take an online sleep test to see if you need a sleep study and possibly a CPAP.  I got one earlier this year and it’s changed my life.  

Yes - if I had a tenant of 10 years I wouldn’t give a crap about their personal choices lol!  

Landlord here - if he is like most then honestly he only cares that you pay your rent on time and don’t cause problems.  

As long as being trans remains the choice of that person (which it is a choice) then sorry, making choices has consequences. I can choose to get a face tattoo but I’d greatly cut down on my employment opportunities in my chosen field.  

There are consequences for breaking the law. I noticed none of the examples talk about what the kids are charged with.  

Not at all.  I have a college degree and skills that translate to other fields and employers.  These folks don’t.  And they live in the rust belt.  And they do physical labor.  

Nicks was rock - Turner and Ross weren’t.  

Diana and the Supremes are gonna review this?  Odd.....

Allison - I said yesterday you’re winning my love with your articles and drafts and you came through again today - mostly for this line which will now be my tagline.  I <B you so much rn.  

This is exactly what I do.  I’ve gotten to be a pro at boiling them to done in a foil pan filled with beer - on the grill itself - and then finish them hot and quick.  Everyone wonders how I get my brats fully cooked without losing all the juices and/or burning them to a crisp.  

Ah yes, Fuddruckers.  Wait...

Go back to the root please

For the same reason I love parking in the expectant mothers spots at the grocery store.  I’m a mid 30's man in a miata or tacoma lol.  

I have two cars, a Miata and a Tacoma. Personally I like being in the Tacoma and being able to see stoplights no matter who is parked in front of me.  I love the Miata being low for the road feel but practicality and usefulness are limited for sure.