
I’ve been known to add up my bill in my head and throw down cash on the table and walk out. Sometimes my math is bad and it winds up being a little short or the server winds up with barely any tip. Hopefully that teaches them!

Getting drug behind trucks most likely

I always eat every bite of mine. It might not be good, but it is food and I am a fat American. 

Luke’s, from Gilmore Girls. I always figured it was just a greasy spoon, but then there was that episode where Sookie was out and he had to take over the restaurant at the Dragonfly (another place I want to eat) and the fancy food he made was amazing. Man has far more skills than we could have ever dreamed of. 

Here we go again. One a dem wypipo will carry the day here. Meanwhile...”If we look at the FBI statistics for violent crimes we can see that whites committed 241,063 of the 408,873 violent crimes, which is 58% of the total. So 61% of the population is committing 58% of the violent crimes, so the math lines up. (FBI Tab

And meanwhile, blacks still account for over 50% of all murders in this country while only being 13% of the population.

They did earlier. They had a Crispy Chicken Sandwich, then switched it up to “Premium Chicken” sandwiches, then a knock-off CFA sandwich when that got big, then to the artisan stuff in order to promote their grilled chicken, and now this. 

“This isn’t a huge deal; guys usually pay for dates, and it’s probably habit to just give the bill to the guy.”

Now you have two dead guys. For What? The pain from the first guy dying? Oh! the drama!! How pathetic. Let me repeat myself.. NO excuse to ruin your life (or those around you) with drugs and alcohol is EVER good enough

Cars. It’s California.

There is no such thing as an “accidental overdose”. There is, however, such a thing as “drug abuse”. No matter which way you cut it, a young man with his whole life ahead of him is gone, and it didn’t have to be this way. There is NO excuse good enough to kill yourself with drugs and/or alcohol, period.

And SF proper is barely 4%

There ain't no black people. The Bay Area is 7% black.

Never wait an hour to get a bill! I would give 20-30 minutes and a couple of requests tops, then leisurely put on coats and start heading for the door. This was my late brother in law’s policy and as he noted, no restaurant ever failed to provide him with a check before he hit the street.

We eat at a lot of bar/grill kinda places (think Rock Bottom and local variants) and thankfully they mostly do time things well - the waitress will say something like “I’ll put your nachos right in and hold the entrees”. But occasionally we’re only a few bites into the appetizer when our main courses show up. Actually

It’s the South, it was either Krystal or Bojangles. Either way my money says he walks. I mean you can’t be asking a man about his music down here boy.

I see it as a CYA anti-corruption law compliance thing. Theoretically people can hide bribes or illicit purchases in discretionary expenses.

I have worked for companies where tipping beyond 10% was actually forbidden when using a company credit card, so if the guy is feeling guilty about it, he might discretely mention over the phone that the staff would be more charitably paid if he were charged automatic gratuity for the order.

Agreed. The finer points of tipping etiquette are far more internet fascination than practical reality. I tip at restaurants, I tip bartenders, my barber, the pizza guy, the valet, hand car washes, taxi drivers, and I'd probably tip a bellhop if I ever needed one. All the rest are completely unnecessary. And I agree

Why exactly are you tipping for most of these things? For wait staff it makes complete sense because they make less than minimum wage (which I still think is wrong). But why would I tip someone like the tow truck guy? Most of these jobs make a fair wage, so why should I tip them for just doing what I already pay