
Fantasy birding: me looking at pornhub.

Do me a solid...where can one conceivably “discover” a $1.4M racing pigeon? Asking for a friend. 

Better than GoT where you can’t remember the prior season. I’m not gonna rewatch that to prime myself for this season. This is why I give up shows.

Wwe missed opportunity: this dude and Christie v the Perry Bros (fridge and Michael Dean) 

It’s magnificent. I came here for this. Happy to see someone is on early shift.

6 readers, but how many actually subscribe?

I thought similarly about size of bin. Then when moved into my townhouse and they brought a full size garbage can for curb, same as the one for garbage itself.

How else would I demonstrate my own sense of self-loathing? Because face it nobody wants to be drinking that swilly swilly , no worthwhile beer is served in a can. And I don’t care about those co2 pressurized Irish stouts; why would I want to have hangover tongue before I even get to enjoy my drunk. If you are forced

No way bro. It’s why God put me crush.

No...if Hamilton had asked about the Jewish thing you just mentioned while at nasa, or vice versa, THAT would be inappropriate.

No. No it would not.

This is what happens when the generation of kids who never played w their star wars toys and left them wrapped up take over. Don't touch that!!

Was wondering which one wasn’t like the rest and...they all seem to have a certain something in common...

And it's beautiful

Wake and bake before the kid gets up. Big breakfast or pancake house. Store w kid, back home by 10. Nap time. Wake up at noon, soccer dad til 4. Grill out or dinner out at like 5:30. Evening activity. Pass out while she watches tv or plays some fortnite for youngs. Wake up at 2 turn everything off. Back to bed or

Uhh. Wesley Snipes would like a word, daryl strawberry, al Capone....

How did he buy a home there then?

But mr Miller I was just yelling at my wife, she's hard of hearing in her left and right ears ever since I beat the hell out of her last month...for pretty much the same reason I was yelling at her tonight. Our marriage is on the rocks and i was just giving advice on how to make things work. But you know you pipe in

This kiesel is a weasel

I thought a more apt comparison for LeBron this yr was Emilio estevez coaching the original mighty ducks.