your town is next.

Hey Barsanti: In the process of copy-pasting the Hollywood Reporter article here, you left out Sophie Turner's actual name and role in the project, but kept in the callback reference to her in the third paragraph.

I don't really get how people weren't over it, like, 10 seconds after watching the video.

Bad news. Kesha has expressed literally zero interest in hugging you. So I guess you don't need a list.

3. you're a human turd.

He said that once, apparently after seeing a play about autism that resonated with him a little. After a couple days, someone probably talked sense in him to retract it for 1) being completely unfounded and self-diagnosed, and 2) obnoxiously co-opting a real condition that individuals and families deal with.

It seems like you're making the implication that a sexual assault survivor, because of an image that was foisted upon her by an abusive music impresario, is dirty and thus somehow an "untouchable." You may not have consciously meant that, but it's there, and it's not great.

It was a PR tactic his management tried to pull around the mid-90s. The whole thing was so transparently false, and quickly forgotten when scuttlebutt started coming out about him dating teenagers and being a dick to day-players on the show. As I recall, it was riffed on a little in the NewsRadio episode he appeared

In the mid-90s, during the height of the show's popularity. There were several puff pieces about him in shit like People that tried to claim "Jerry may seem abrasive on TV, but in real life he's the nicest guy in Hollywood." It was all an obvious ploy by his management to help his image after several years of mostly

Larry never went around puffing up his brand by pushing himself as "The Nicest Guy in Hollywood."

That's just lazy copy-pasting by Rife, "aggregating" another website's story.

It might be that he means he owns the rights to the screenplay. That was a big part of the fallout from the aborted first attempt in 2000 — when they shut down filming, there was a $15 million insurance payout to the backers; in exchange, the bond company took ownership of whatever they could potentially monetize from

It's pronounced "rey-sist"

Was it really so hard to find a clear photo of Griffin for the banner? Why would you use a pic of a Madame Tussaud's wax sculpture of her?

Your comment legitimately doesn't make sense. She was Eleven.

Just a reminder: Uber is evil and terrible, and should be avoided. However, Lyft is just Uber but stupider.

Man, you know how dicks are. It's just the best when they're pressed against chilled surfaces. Nothin' makes a dick more at ease than the sensation of being cold.

Eh. Merely having a british accent doesn't automatically make any ol' thing you say suddenly sound compelling.

That cane is a SPOILER

That's produced by a Time Warner subsidiary. So chances are pretty good he'll show up in Justice League.

I mean yeah, it goes both ways.