your town is next.

When there is no more room in Hell…

To be fair, that only happened in the first Avengers. Because Whedon couldn't make up a real story.

I actually think Nerdwriter is likewise guilty of some very shoddy premises and couching otherwise underwhelming conclusions into overly effusive language. He really wants you to believe this shit is some grand epiphany. But when it isn't just a patently obvious concept that most people are clued into, he'll sometimes

Furries want to fuck anthropomorphized animals. Plushies want to fuck anthropomorphized stuffed toys.

Is it just me, or are there a lot more dum-dum vloggers suddenly coming up and trying to be Every Frame A Painting, but with almost nothing insightful or revelatory to say about film?

Patton Oswalt Continues Picking at Scab, Expresses Frustration with Delayed Healing

It was about a thoughtful woman who wondered how long it would take until she could have her own bank account, or when congress would ever pass a law criminalizing spousal abuse.

Wedding Crashers is more like this generation's Porky's Revenge.

Who are you, again?

It seems like the overall story/structure would've been roughly the same. Some of the supporting roles probably differed; I'm guessing Michael Peña's part was tailored for him by the Rudd/McCay rewrite. There's word that originally Pym was going to be revealed as the villain at the end, but Wright and Cornish

Yeah, Hughes is confusing his own apathy for the greater consensus. Ant-Man definitely received above-average marks from most critics; it wasn't anyone's favorite, but it was appreciated as a thoroughly enjoyable effort.

Bob's got plenty of shit to eat. He stores it in his wattle for the winter.

Bob Murray is just another selfish whimpering slob who thinks his vast wealth gives him license to never endure even a whiff of scrutiny. Now, in his complete aversion to considering the consequences of his actions, he just brought piss to a shit fight.

Johnson's already shown himself to be a pro at navigating the fickle whims of Hollywood producers, so he knew well enough to play ball with the gameplan devised by Kennedy and JJ Abrams. The word is everyone's been pretty happy with his work.

Awkward rights issues. The movies are owned/operated by Marvel Studios division. The Netflix shows are owned/operated by ABC Studios. They'd have to work out a complicated profit-sharing agreement for one division to pluck the other's property.

The two most viable options are Ant-Man or Daredevil, with Cap as a third option just for recognition/star power (but requiring more shoehorning for a decent story). Daredevil is the best fit, but Ant-Man would be the most fun.

it looks good
c o l l e g e a p p l i c a t i o n s

You're forgetting that if there's one thing Young Republicans love, it's to fantasize about being oppressed underdogs.

As soon as he stepped off stage, a social studies teacher gave him a swirlie and shoved him into a locker.

Too bad it still involves Rich Evans and his hateful shrieking.