your town is next.

This is why Hillary lost: stupid petty white men.

Why would you give Liam Neeson anything for free? Don't you idiots know he's rich as fuuuuuuuck?

What's perhaps even more pathetic, he wasn't even right.

Now that it's all under the Disney banner, they can crossover with Pixar and recruit Luxo Jr.

Nah. If anything, the overemphasis on redeeming Joan Crawford is kind of repugnant. They outright ignore and dismiss Christina Crawford; the sole mention of the book is played off with "but other Hollywood people said it wasn't true, so whatever."

I worked in a video store when that first sequel came out. Holy shit, was it dire.

He also wrote (and almost directed, but was fired and replaced by Richard Donner) Radio Flyer, one of the most disturbing "children's" movies ever made.

No longer being directed by Joss Whedon will be the saving grace of the Avengers. We'll finally get scenes with competent blocking and scripting that doesn't sacrifice compelling visuals for the sake of banter.

Alex Jones wishes he were that ripped.

It was, for the stint where they actually seemed to be having fun with it. Now it's a slog of petty bitching, with special emphasis on Mike and Rich's increasingly shitty politics.

If he has any genuine, direct hatred for humans, it probably came from spending all his time under the employ of Guy Pierce and Charlize Theron's characters.

Speaking of a series that squandered all its goodwill…

"Trump the Dirt Down" maybe? Too obvious?


She is a solid performer. They just give her fuck-all to do. And even when they give her something, they don't know how to write it because she doesn't do "Loud and Obvious" like Leslie Jones.

Seth Green's always down to clown.

That was It, which was respected because it had slightly better production value and also it cut out the gangbang scene from the book. Everyone really appreciated that.

Starring Spooky Steven Weber with Jaundice Eyes.

Yep. After the graduation, you get some ominous tracking shots around the wreckage of the hotel (all shot in BROAD DAYLIGHT SO DEFINITELY VERY SPOOKTACULAR) revealing a sign that says coming soon we're rebuilding the Overlook ohhh shiiiiiiit

I would not shit you, Evil Lincoln.