your town is next.

Still sounds better than the epilogue of the TV miniseries, where Danny is the valedictorian at his high school graduation and grinds everything to a halt while he smiles up at the floating ghost of his dead murder-dad.

Or an "SH"

Ask anyone who's worked in the food service industry: just about any ol' coked-out scumbag can be a moderately successful restaurateur.

J. Jonah Jameson called, and he wants MORE PICTURES OF SPIDER-MAN

Classic bitches.

Oh, poor Howard Stern. His feelings must be so hurt. A pox on Lange for his treachery!

"Trump, Nelson Sullivan, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Penny Arcade…"

His skin-suit was came out of the dryer a little too early. If your simulation of human flesh were damp and crease-y, you'd be uncomfortable too.

We are. Ricky's a special case of extremely desperate projection/dysmorphia.

Current SNL executive producer Lorne Michaels: "Whöel Wells?"

Wait until 2025.

I might have given you They All Laughed for its shaggy charm, but Saint Jack is a shoddy exercise in trying to position himself as a sentimental Cassavetes. You wind up with Ben Gazzara trying to sell Bogdanovich's purple prose and sounding lost.

They sure as hell better not let Bogdanovich near it. He's been trying to snatch the reins on Welles' legacy since before the body was even cold. But his instincts have been crap since Daisy Miller, and Welles clearly only kept the guy around for a free meal and a willing audience.

It's not his mistress, it's his daughter who usually gums up the works.

Everyone remembers the Heston interview, nobody remembers the part when Moore tries to ambush Dick fuckin' Clark over a restaurant he licensed his name to, and Mike officially becomes a goddamn parody of himself.

Having hung around Adomian at a couple comedy/stand-up venues, I can confirm he is more often than not a real grumpy gus.

Misty is GREAT live. His singing is solid, he sells every note, and he has an extremely groovy stage presence. The problem last night was entirely in the sound mix. The first song had his vocals flattened and drowned out; the second was a little better at raising him above the band, but the mic was still muddy and

I'm convinced you've suffered an untreated head injury.

This doesn't actually sound as though you like her very much.

Yeah, my sense was he was implying, "If you didn't like that one, you're really not going to go for what's next."