your town is next.

Do the worm on acropolis

He's aging like a slow-motion version of the guy from Indiana Jones & The Last Crusade. who "chose poorly" in the Grail chamber.

Will there be a live version of HateSong, so we can actively watch Marah pander to sexually infantile comedians, beard-lice afflicted indie musicians and blithering racists?

I'm imagining the end of Halloween III. "You've got to believe me, take it off! Stop it, please, for god's sake! It's still on! there's no more time! Stop it now, take it off!"

My dumb fans could stand to be a little more Based.

Am I imagining things, or does Jennifer Hudson get cast a lot in "undiscovered singer waiting to be thrust into stardom" roles?

Pictured: Leto's biggest fan, The Sexually Inappropriate Blind Magician.

Mobo Yummypastrydish.

Oooh. Dramatic irony.

Totally. Like I'm supposed to respect a guy who got his PhD from Trump University.

Maher's typically able to push his more egregiously toxic entitled whiteness aside just long enough to make himself look like he has a moral high ground over far-right creeps.

Mellow Whiteapocalypse.

Mylar Snuffleupagus.

Have you seen the latest photos of him? He's got more billowy white blouses and gaudy jewelry, like a Golden Girls-meets-KKK kind of thing. It's meant to hide his alcohol bloat, but as a result he just looks like a younger version of Brando as Dr. Moreau.

Let them just keep sneering at each other for so long that they don't notice the studio audience and stage crew have all exited the building. The last remaining camera operator sets the C4 charges on the way out. Outside, everyone holds hands and sings Cat Stevens.

Everyone says "jagoff." Pittsburgh doesn't own it.

Milo Ypsilanticups.

Milo will be too drunk and bloated to do anything but giggle boyishly and fawn over his Ivanka Trump braclets and bangles.

I already have to mute every Real Time clip whenever Maher starts talking, and wait until it gets to the part where "Guest Shailene Woodley EVISCERATES the Estate Tax!!"

You almost (almost!) have to feel bad for Affleck.