your town is next.

*Manimal is recruited into Suicide Squad. His motivations and actions become even more incomprehensible.*

Most of the right doesn't even fucking understand what an email server does, and talks about it like it's a Nazi Enigma Machine.

A separate email server that, to date, was never shown to have been hacked. Meanwhile, Trump's recovery contact for the Gmail account he accesses on his obsolete Android phone is an address at the motherfucking Kremlin.


He's no Scorsese, but "mediocre" seems harsh. The worst you could say is he's a Prestige Picture Ham-and-Egger.

Sounds like some BBC asshole.

Sounds like he should do More Thinkin' and Less Morpions.


As I can recall from interviews with other castmates, she was always on the verge of crazy in the 90s. She didn't get political until after 9/11 when, like Dennis Miller and others who coasted through the 90s, she got scared shitless and thought that being politically aware meant reacting with fearmongering and

When asked why Steve Harvey wasn't approached, a Trump spokesperson insisted, "It's a traditionally American event, so he just wouldn't fit. However, we'll have Shania Twain on hand to sing a mash-up of the national anthem and the Trump Girls song."

She can't deliver a "dumb blonde" joke to save her life, but somehow manages to say shit like "alternative facts" and "Trump's landslide" without breaking.

* turns eyes downward to one side, limply folds arms *

My money's on Kanye snubbing them, and the Turmp flacks playing it off to protect ol' Golden Slumber's fragile ego.

Fuck it, it worked for Ray Charles.

Oh man, how are they ever going to rein in that boisterous personality of hers. Aren't they worried she might be a little too zany for late night? She's just going to be chewing the scenery, I tells ya.

Y'know what I've been shocked by?

Was that the one with whom you had that whole incident? Because that person is utter garbage.

whoa, back up everybody, we got a real bad-ass over here

Oh, it's completely intentional. Wherever possible, I avoid any further contribution to his Google search relevance.

It's actually a pretty interesting ensemble, but holy shit is it inappropriate for this kind of ceremony. Especially with how perfectly it invites the kind of connections as noted above.