your town is next.

I'll allow it.

There was only one member of the cast, Mary Valenti, who would've had cause to complain (Bruce and co-stars Scott Spiegel and Ellen Sandweiss are all loyal to Raimi and the films). But it would be strange that 1) she would care enough, 25 years later, to cause a problem, and 2) couldn't simply be paid a few thousand

You think he's got it bad, you should see the No-Cussing Club kid.

Fun-fact: this was supposed to be included in the "Book of the Dead" DVD edition of Evil Dead, back in 2002. Anchor Bay Entertainment cleaned it up, took off all the copyrighted music and replaced it with an original score. Then, at the last minute, a "legal issue" forced ABE to take it off the disc just before

"on basic cable"

I still think you're making this up. This is a Halloween prank. All of y'all are in on it, just to mess with us. Nice try, jerks!

Yeah. Huh.

THANK YOU. Finally, someone else gets it.

"The nominees are […] Ren & Stimpy…" [Clip not done yet]

Oh, don't get me wrong, I wasn't making any disparaging suppositions about your weight; that was more a comment on how theaters are investing in seating technology as of late. But I'll cop to assuming that you wear glasses, purely because we're on Internet.

You may remember him from such films as Swing Kids and Captain Corelli's Mandolin.


Oh, I know. But it'd seem strange to have to go back on Drax's story of his whole family being murdered ("No, wait! One child survived! And now she's kind of nuts!"). I don't rule it out entirely, especially because I could definitely see the moment in the trailer when she's revealed, probably straight-up murdering

As I've blathered a thousand times before on AVC, I think it would actually be an amazing dynamic. It'd turn Warlock's freaky Space-Jesus vibe into an analogue for the absentee "free spirit" fathers of 70s children. He's not into the whole "being a dad" thing, mostly because the lone purpose of his existence is

Possibly bumps into that character's connection (SPOILERS) to Drax?

Marvel and James Gunn already confirmed that, for the MCU, it's not J'Son. Mostly because J'Son is just boring.

I figure she's either Mantis or Phyla-Vell. The latter having closer ties to the GOTG in the comics, and being a connection for Captain Marvel.

As a 9-year-old boy, a crotchety old Asian man blurting out, "You're breaking my heart, asshole," was the pinnacle of hilarity.

That's very true in the movie as well.

Everyone's mom will say they find it charming, because it reminds them of the rides they had when they were in high school.