your town is next.

The "magical negro" is essentially the racial equivalent to the Manic Pixie Dream Girl; a character with little or no internal life or needs outside of aiding a soulful white guy's quest for spiritual renewal.

Stephen King has every right to be wrong.

It's either Beatty or Ryan "Oh man, oh god" O'Neal.

South By Southwest turned into a nightmare parade of Orwellian plutocratic hegemony so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Ditto on the thanks for posting Chu's article; I was about to link it myself. It's a shame that AVC didn't include it in the news-post, as it's the most damning accounting of SXSW's shitheel mismanagement.

"Filming is slated to start November 2 in New York."

He's adorable.

I enjoy Lost Boys, but Fright Night always felt like a tighter, more consistent flick. And Fright Night actually made me feel pity for the monsters (particularly Ed), which I never quite had for any of Lost Boys' Tiger Beat hunks.

That was Once Bitten.

I know, but I felt like using it as a prompt to reference Army of Darkness. You wanna begin the airing of grievances about it?

I played PC and console games as a kid, owned systems by Nintendo and Sega (but usually toward the end of their lifecycles, when they were dirt cheap) and I would say I was well within the target age range for GoldenEye when it was released.

Good, bad. He's the guy with the Seinfeld quotes.

That is the only true.

Hah hah, what a story!

Oh, okay.

I have never turned down free ice cream, that is a dirty fucking lie and I'll see that you never work in this town again!

(I know! I was making an oblique reference to the newest film's better-late-than-never inclusion of Ms. Bellooooch.)

I hated GoldenEye.

The flash game Rambo: Last Blood also covers this theme very nicely. And then it takes you to Lobsterfest.

As I see it, James Bond is already a lame, played-out character. Why not switch it up and just have him doing something unusual for a change? (Like having consenting sexual congress with an actual age-appropriate woman.)