your town is next.

It is without the slightest breath of irony that I find this to be a great idea, and the only interesting concept to come out of GoldenEye 64. I fuckin' hated that game. Peace be upon Miyamoto.

My friend was a PA on Chapter 27. And surprise surprise, Leto was fucking insufferable throughout the production. He'd insist on being called "Mark" by all cast and crew, hole up in his hotel room and mope about being fat (and later lost the weight at such a dangerous rate that he got gout), and throw hissy fits

PBA president Patrick Lynch is, in fact, a devoted Adult Diaper/Babyman fetishist. Whenever an NYPD officer guns down an unarmed civilian, he disappears to quietly soil himself; but when an officer is killed, he screams and pouts in public until someone wipes and powders his sensitive little butthole.

My reply wasn't actually a continuation of the title's reference ("That's Really Super, Supergirl" is an XTC song). But I do know that the title is taken from the lyrics of a pop song called "Supergirl!" that was a minor hit in the early-aughts, and featured on the Princess Diaries soundtrack.

Patrick Lynch is a professional crybaby, and I absolutely believe that he delights in the death of police officers because it's the only time he can bitch and moan to the media with impunity.

Judging by his spirit of choice, he must be a Girl Drink Drunk.

That's really super, Supergirl.

"a replica of the Tony Stark Tattoo from Iron Man 3."

It's completely hosed my iPhone browser. The worst part is the big fat non-responsive "X" that only provides an illusion of being able to close the dumb fucking thing.

I don't embrace excuses, I embrace solutions!

I really liked American Hustle, and it also holds up to repeat viewings in my opinion. The condescending regard for Russell among the AVC commentariat always strikes me as undeserved.

They did. Then the republican governor killed the program this summer, after crippling it back in 2011.

Those are flimsy excuses, without even mentioning that they had the gall to deny Being There a Best Picture nod, and gave Best Actor to Dustin Hoffman over Peter Sellers!

The other nominees included Apocalypse Now and Breaking Away!

He's got a lot of unresolved issues with his Ecks.

And it really shouldn't have!

Now that was podracing.

Motherfuckers act like they forgot about Kramer vs. Kramer.

There's a vaccine for that now.

Because Parkinsons?