your town is next.

I feel pretty confident in saying Sweeney Todd is not Burton's best.

He showed that he's got some zazz in him with Scott Pilgrim!

Ryan Reynolds writes checks his ass can't cash.

I was just thinking, "Mikey B. Jordan's gonna be fine. He's got Creed coming out next, and that should be a solid crowd-pleaser with Oscar potential."

So what you're saying is that you never saw Ed Wood?

I'm no fan of the standard Broadway style voice either, believe me. But I could name a dozen non-traditional singers that could have done a far better job. His voice was thin and lacked any real conviction, like a mediocre Glee audition tape. It stopped a lot of the songs dead in their tracks, rather than naturally

You're thinking of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

Dude is right, though. The movie had great production design and not much else. Depp and Carter can't sing (Depp's sub-Backstreet Boy voice was especially ill-suited, particularly during what should've been his most chilling verses) and thus add little to the film than sunken-faced glowering. Burton had finally given

Then he must be digging pretty deep to play douchebags on-screen, because he's damn convincing. Right down to his eCig in the trailer for this.

I never believed that Rollins was the main creative force. But he is a central presence on the track, doing his "I'm shouting and my neck is huge so I must be interesting" shtick, and that makes it a low point for the album.

The casting of Scott Glenn himself was excellent, but am I the only one who felt like that episode was probably the show's weakest (aside from the last half of the finale)? The introduction of the character felt abrupt and forced, and it did very little to advance the overall plot of the season.

To be fair on the point of Justine Sacco, her job was Senior Director of Communications for IAC, a major media corporation. If she's going to haphazardly say something that stupid on a public platform, it doesn't give the greatest confidence in her professional ability.

"All these years, and he's still putting that shit on his face? He looks like a barrister going to the Gathering of the Juggalos."

Sure. But Rollins is still a big ol' dickwad.

Per the Swag Board website:

I always wished Letterman had time to interview Father John Misty after his performance of "Bored in the USA" on the Late Show last year. There's a musician who could give you a hell of an interview.

As human of slightly above-average height who has stood face-to-face* with the man (while he was renting a copy of Bride & Prejudice for his kids, I shit you not), I can affirm: he is a tiny man.

9) Can we have one god damned family dinner without you steering the conversation toward your inadequate genitalia?

I've been seeing these since the late spring, when I witnessed a Bro-Dad smugly cruising atop one while walking with his kids at a mountain/state park. There was so much insufferable horseshit to unpack from that single image.

6) so's your face