your town is next.

Why is it that we're always forced to choose between a giant douche and a turd sandwich?

(… in Heaven.)

It just seems strange to have The Dark Knight Returns when Superman's only just begun.

Everyone on the internet should be arrested.

It's definitely not real. Every single movie mentioned was a major A-picture. Those kinds of films don't have open auditions for leads; casting directors assemble strategic selections from top agencies' A-listers and emerging talent, and run screen tests from there. Campbell would never have been on those rosters.

That was true. He was among their final choices for the role of Mulder's replacement, before they went with Robert Patrick. (What is it about producers picking bland whitebread over Bruce?) Apparently his having already guest-starred in a previous X-Files episode hurt his chances.

I've always wondered if Bruce really was up for the part of John McClane in Die Hard. In the commentary for Evil Dead II, Raimi ribs him about not landing the role, and it's unclear how close to the truth that is (especially given Raimi's extreme penchant for exaggeration). Campbell never even mentions it in If Chins


You weren't reminded by the almost absurdly overt flashback to her during the "absorbing the stone" sequence?

I'm saying, maybe he's an "unknown race" because he's not of any actual biological race.

Maybe it doesn't make sense because you've got no imagination.

Presumably, Warlock wasn't always in the cocoon. Possibly something happened in between Warlock sending them to find Peter and when they returned — a war with Thanos, some other great galactic calamity, who knows — that drained him and sent him back into stasis.

There you go. And they must've "seen" Thanos, so how would his brother be something unknown?

"it was 'bad form' and 'not what a gentleman would do.'"

it is completely and totally Warlock and James Gunn will give me a million dollars for being right

I don't recall Yondu saying they were going to go see the dad. They were just saying, "Aren't you glad we didn't bring him to his dad?" "Yeah, that guy was a jackass!"

Gary Busey's behavior is not comical, it is the result of horrendous brain damage and we should all feel bad for laughing at him

I will still fight you

That's not like the Warlock of the comics, but as I pointed out, Gunn's taking a lot of liberties with these characters. If you boil Warlock down to his elements as a freaky Space Wizard, it's not hard to imagine characterizing him as a parallel to the absentee dads of the 60s and 70s "free love" movement.

Gunn has definitely said it's not J'son. But even if he were to blatantly lie, J'son is just too boring and isn't likely to add anything to the MCU.