your town is next.

Exactly. He's already been set up. He just has to come out of the cocoon. Perhaps spurred by the explosion at the Collector's crib.

It is totally Adam Warlock. I will fight you.

This seems like it could be right, but there are a couple holes in how it's been set up. Chiefly, when they're talking about Quill's genetic makeup at the end, Prime says his father was "a kind of being we haven't seen in ages" (not the exact quote, but pretty close). But clearly they've seen Starfox's kind recently,


That could easily be a dodge, to keep from spoiling the big reveal.

My money is on Adam Warlock. I will fight anyone who disagrees with me.

Elektra (along with Aeon Flux) was absolutely held up as an excuse for kiboshing specific female superhero movies. David Hayter is on record saying he had a Black Widow script ready to go in 2004/2005, but those failures made the studio put on the brakes.

I'm certain it couldn't possibly be their only infuriating song.

"Say, nobody's been stepping over Audre Lorde's grave to give me a Best Feminist Of The Willenium award lately. Better raise my brand awareness, right quick!"


Obvious Child was a very solid effort!

This reminds me:

She's the damn materfamilias!

They were welcomed to New York, and found a smoldering wreckage waiting for them.

"The worst of the late 90s."

… But the whole song is fluff. Calling out specific celebrities is the sole moment where he says something almost substantial, if only because he's naming specific people and proposing a direct course of action. It's a stark contrast to the other 18 stanzas of meandering platitudes about believing in yourself.

It's like, here's this song about light-hearted positivity and believing in yourself, and then out of nowhere he starts calling out all the hip names of late-90s music and threatens to "Kick [their] ass in."

I'd imagine it's Leo who's grown older and more cynical. He always had a strident aspect to his on-camera persona, but the subsequent years of working out of his basement and engaging most other humans only through remote telecommunications have darkened his light.

Downvoted out of solidarity with Leo Laporte.

Tell that to the Internet Creeps who keep complaining that the song from Selma shouldn't have won because it had rapping.