your town is next.

It took him 53 tweets just to convey this, when all he really needed to say was, "I'm not supposed to use my station as a world-renowned entertainer to ridicule marginalized targets of violence, discrimination and disenfranchisement?! THANKS OBAMA."

Today, I learned that "cottaging" is a British slang term.

The problem was not that Imitation Game rarely mentions that Turing was gay — not by a longshot. By the halfway point in the movie, the dialogue has beaten you over the head with emphatic pronouncements that his life could be ruined at any moment for being gay. And it pats itself on the back for framing the story

Marilyn Monroe wasn't dumb. Those were characters she played, you see.

Amy Schumer is like if you took away Chelsea Handler's underlying bitter cruelty and replaced it with an actual point of view, self awareness, ability to write jokes, and a personality outside of drinking and loathing celebrities. And also basically just made a completely different person.

Less "ha ha" funny, more "ugh no" funny.


My sentiments exactly. I still contend that moving the production to LA had an immediate and distinct impact on the show's tone and atmosphere, and it never recovered the old charm.

Call me crazy, but I always prefer seeing Holmes actually doing the work rather than all the petulant griping about who screwed it up. I like seeing a guy who is good at what he does. When I want to watch a lot of shrill blame-game antics, I watch Bar Rescue (and even then, I'm way more interested in seeing how the

As much as I hate to give them credit, Penn and Teller explained this pretty well on an old episode of "Bullshit": Defamation laws are there for a reason, and certain damning words can't just be bandied about lightly.

Also named in the suit: Carolla's father, cited as a contributing cause to the Plaintiff's ongoing "pain and suffering," because he never came to any high school football games.

Thesis: Adam Carolla is such an insufferable asshole, you feel bad for other assholes who have to be near him.

I disagree with the description "not a terrible show," for two reasons: 1) Adam Carolla's voice/face/"jokes"/existence, and 2) They hardly show any of the actual renovation, which is far more fascinating than "Ace-man" Carolla's tepid revenge fantasies.

wtf is netflix lol

Your MOM strikes again.

While I wouldn't call those vocals especially good (or at least somehow redeeming), that song isn't what I'm criticizing. I'm specifically saying the singing on "Take Me To Church" is lousy.

Wow, I kinda liked that. It sounds like it would fit within the Barr Brothers end of the current Pop-Folk spectrum (as opposed to the "despicable" range, occupied by Mumford & Sons and their ilk). I'm-a go look up more.

Look, we found the one guy who likes that shitty song! Get him!

Aw, go split an infinitive.

It is the Eternal Hatesong.