Oh yeah because cops racist duh.
Oh yeah because cops racist duh.
Coal mining, mopping church floors, living in a car. White privilege strikes again. Thanks for uncovering this, Gawker sports blog!
He’s right about incest. Can someone here make a compelling argument about why two consenting adults, related by blood, can’t have sex with each other? Keep in mind the Supreme Courts decision today.
“I’ll have to explain to my daughter why someone brown got killed by a cop or a racist. Lately, it’s all I can think about. And that’s not very free at all.”
Kill whitey?
If you want it done right, then yeah. That, or Asians. Or Hispanics.
“Shut Up”. Great counter point!
Like you have $10,000 to spare.
Holy shit, you’re terrible at this.
That hole you’re digging - it’s nice and deep.
The only thing round and about is your waistline, worthless millenial.
Wow, you totally lost it when you tried to distinguish a difference between intimate partner abuse and family abuse. Adults beating kids, in this case an adult beating her nephew and sister with a repeated and sustained assault, isn’t as serious as a nonmarried couple throwing down (Ray Rice threw one punch)? 2/10 on…
Did it microaggravate your vagina?
White people in Europe are responsible for American racism. #itookout90kinstudentloanstoreachthisconclusion
QQ more noob.
You’re a terrible writer.
I think you don’t know what that word means.
In the year 2015 there is nothing brave about pretending to be a woman.