can't believe how much time they give Idiots on the Pitch. If it were MLB, he'd be tased and hauled off limp. If it were the NBA, he'd be knocked out by Stephen Jackson. In NHL, however, the Idiot would get tased, get up, and score two goals.
can't believe how much time they give Idiots on the Pitch. If it were MLB, he'd be tased and hauled off limp. If it were the NBA, he'd be knocked out by Stephen Jackson. In NHL, however, the Idiot would get tased, get up, and score two goals.
C: getting hit by a car
Good thing Chris Perez didn't "help"....he would've tossed gasoline on it.
You know your sport's boring when the big story of the game is someone playing a prank.
What would this look/sound like on Colombian TV?
Costa Rica probably represents the best shot at having our region not look like the kids on the short bus
Kidd's son is relieved to hear that he no longer has the biggest head in the family.
Here is Camera Obscura with an answer to that:
Excuse me, but I don't think Americans would allow pornography on the internet.
Reporter: "If I were an ice cream cone, how would you eat me?
If you were interested in being fair, you'd have included the clarification Kelly gave when they came back from commercial—that he was simply impressed by her breasts, and that he planned to masturbate once the segment was over. A perfectly innocent explanation.
Pat actually apologized to me during commercial break. He may be outspoken about homosexuality but when confronted with it head on he was very nice. I think next time I'm on TV YourTatoosAreLame can be my stylist. Seems he has more fashion sense than this homosexual. #yourtattoosarefaaaaaaabulouuuuusss
Some celebrities are called assholes because they refuse to engage with fans for more than a minute or so. I think I'd rather be that kind of asshole than Virgil.
Let me get this straight. You're a grown man flying halfway across the country to watch pro wrestling and HE'S the asshole?
Kid, if you wanted to know what it's like to play for the Astros, you gotta suck balls, not lick 'em
Notice how his eyes were closed when he went in. This ain't his first ball licking rodeo.
As long as you buy a ticket and show up, then I doubt they would care who you root for.