
All of which are available to ship free without Prime if you wait a few days.

I buy a ton from Amazon. I'm not frugal, I just don't spend needlessly. If you can justify the savings somehow, or are willing to admit that you are paying just to not have to wait an additional 3 days that's fine. I merely stated my position and opinion. I can wait a few days so this would be throwing money away.

Free release date delivery is not a Prime exclusive.

I would argue that if you're buying so little that you don't meet the $25 limit then you likely aren't buying enough to really make up that $80.

"and prime is not about little patients... its about saving money on shipping, the 2 day thing is just a bonus"

"I'm spending money to save time, which has far more value than money"

"You should really keep in mind that just because YOU cannot justify the cost, doesnt mean that thats the case for everyone"

That's fine, ass, but don't praise it for it's cheaper price. Spending $80 when you don't have is not "cheaper".

Having it to spend is not an excuse to spend it. I just don't understand how someone can tout the shipping savings while their throwing away $80 just to get things faster. It's quite the contradictory concept. You aren't saving money, you're spending it.

I just don't get how people see the free two-day shipping as such a big deal. They offer free 1 week super-saver shipping without Prime. You know how much I spent on shipping in the last year from Amazon? Zero Dollars. You just have to show a little patience. I just can't justify spending $80 a year on impatience.

Whatever happened to the "not allowed to execute dynamic code" stipulation that Apple had that killed the emulators? Did they drop that? Or am I misunderstanding what this does?

Apple holds apps that let you store and listen to Amazon and Google Music on your iPhone and until recently only let you download one copy of a song = Greedy RIAA's decision, Apple has no choice.

"If iphone changed their OS drastically and I had to buy new apps or developers had to significantly change their apps for it, then we would all be persuaded to move to another platform"

So much for waiting until Black Friday to pick up a new external...

It's one thing to cannibalize the lower end of the market and consumer goods. It's another to risk your bread winner and go-to corporate OS. They're in 2 different ballgames and they both play it well enough.

This is what happens when you capture so much marketshare. It really does hinder innovation because you can't afford to lose what you have. Microsoft isn't the only company with this problem. Look at the iPhone. It still has the same core look and feel it had over 4 years ago with no real evidence of that changing

He didn't say it didn't have email, just that the client wouldn't be as full featured as outlook, much like the apps you see on mobile devices.

Funny how you can speak as the authority of how he felt with no evidence yet his car sitting there, plain as day, without a permit isn't enough for you.

You're right we don't have all the facts, just as we don't know that "he may not have needed handicapped parking spots all the time, and nobody can prove he parked in them all the time, but he would definitely have needed them for certain periods of time during his fight with cancer after various surgeries and

No one is complaining about NEEDING handicapped parking. It's that fact that even if he diid need it, he didn't have permission. Get a damn permit like you're supposed to.