
I tend to take the "ride it out" approach with all illnesses, taking medicine when only absolutely necessary. I feel this has lead to me having a much better immune system than all my friends and family and I almost never get sick.

I suppose if I worked at a popular blog, deliberately wrote flamebait articles, refused to even consider an opposite viewpoint, and banned all those who disagree that I'd develop a reputation as well. The question is, how much is that reputation worth? I don't know one person who takes Jesus seriously and puts much

I think the bundle with Killzone 3 and Resistance 3 at the same price is a far surperior deal. The 007 "remake" is anything but. Because of licensing issues they had to change most the game.

I'm seeing a lot of people complaining about not be able to back up with this configuration. Did they stop teaching people to turn around to their right and look out the BACK window when backing up? Not entirely sure why you would be checking your mirrors, you can directly look out the side of the car with this

Why are all these world differences being carried around in memory? Shouldn't it just be the ones in the currently loaded area? What gives?

Come on, not the "normally $499" original iPad again. Wrong.

Doesn't really seem fair that they can proclaim something revolutionary then just fall back on "hey, it's Beta" when it fails. You don't get to have your cake and eat it too.

Or they post a follow-up, "Never mind, figured it out", with no explanation..... hate that...

If everything was solely inspired by the iPad, then how do you explain the fact that the original HP Slate (a thin black rectangle with a touchscreen) was announced BEFORE the iPad? OMG, Apple copied HP. /sarcasm

I'm not sure I believe in the whole spot-saving line-swapping that these people do. It kinda defeats the whole purpose of a line. Why don't stores crack down on this sort of thing. It's hardly fair to the people who show up the night before and actually spend hours sitting in the cold themselves.

Jesus fucking Christ. What part of not saving money do you not understand? If you want to say you want to pay for "convenience", whatever. However, my ENTIRE argument is that you can't honestly say it SAVES MONEY. It is a luxury service that you can bypass with a little patience and planning. THAT is my argument.

Prior to just before the iPad the technology didn't exist to make a thin black rectangle. Apple didn't invent thin, the technology caught up to what they wanted to do.

Because it's not half priced. It's $30 off. The listing here is deceptive and lists what it went for NEW amost a YEAR AGO.

But hasn't been Apple's mantra all along to hold off until it's perfect. I mean, that was the excuse they gave with C & P and multi-tasking. You can't hold Apple to a higher standard one minute and then give them a pass the next.

Forget how ridiculous your look, the iPad takes horrible pictures.

Forget how ridiculous your look, the iPad takes horrible pictures.

Unless you become a shut-in and buy EVERYTHING on Amazon then I find your saving gas argument very suspect. If I'm going out anyway to run various errands or whatever then I'm not out any extra money or effort to pick up that new TV, video game, cordless drill, etc. while I'm out. That's a sunk cost either way.

If you're NOT always buying stuff for > $25 you likely aren't buying enough on the whole to make up the $80 price of Prime. I never pad my purchases.

"Also I am guessing that you probably spend money on stuff that makes a hell of a lot less sense than amazon prime"

Free release date delivery is not Prime exclusive. I get it all the time. So I get the BIG DEAL for free while you pay for it.