
I always thought the only good use of a netbook is as a child's computer. The price is right, the size is right, and the power is right. No way a $500 tablet is going to become as feasible a Christmas present for a middle-class family as a $200 netbook.

I would feel the same as you if it weren't for email. My email is too damn important for anyone to get ahold of.

Just goes to show you that he didn't deserve to loop-hole his way to the top of the list. Donated organs should go to people who value life above all and would jump at the opportunity.

Other than the flaws others have pointed out in using it to crowd-source weather info, what about the fact that we don't all live outdoors? How do you filter out the false reading for someone sitting at home on a rainy day or cranking up the heat when it's cold outside?

Almost as bad as Apple's servers crapping the bed Wednesday and leaving countless people without a phone for up to an entire day. Honestly, you can't expect AT&T to waste money enhancing their systems preparing for one day a year.

No, it's because it doesn't need it to make the drones buy it anyway. It's cost savings, nothing more.

I came here to make the same comment. I have a folder called "Junk" where I keep all the stock apps I don't use. I hate that I can't add this one.

I would have been more than happy to make myself clear. If you asked. How about when you are confronted by a three-letter acronym that refers to more than one disorder that you find out which one they are talking about before just telling them they are wrong.

So being sensitive about a disorder that causes you pain is having a chip on your shoulder? I bet you also called kids who cried in high school from being bullied "crybabies". it's all their fault too. If only they didn't cry so much they wouldn't get picked on. Of course it makes more sense for the world to

Apologist behavior, commence. I'm only 6 ft and have more than enough thumb left over to navigate a a larger screen. You're entitled to your opinion, I just hope you keep this post in mind if/when Apple releases a larger iPhone. I fully expect you to chastise them for creating a less useful phone. Journalist

What the fuck is wrong with you people. Someone admits that have a disorder that affects their lives and you all poke fun.

Well, I do that a lot and it not because I'm bored, it's because I have S.A.D. I usually don't know what to say to people and choose the above phrases to seem interested when they're talking about something I have no opinion on. It's not that I'm NOT interested, I just lack the social skills to show it properly.

Startling? I hate it when someone is "that guy" and acts like everyone is a moron because they don't know someone that they do, but I'm honestly surprised this isn't known already. Also, the bottom typically has a line down the center where the metal that is folded around meets.

Then they must have changed it. Originally every model besides the 4 had the model name on the back.

Wait a WHOLE month?! Nonsense, I'm going to switch carriers to get it NOW!

iTunes may have a majority of the market right now but things are changing. Personally, I've never gotten hardly any of my music from iTunes. At first the DRM was a turn-off, then it was priced too high. I get all my music from Amazon where it's cheaper and stored in the cloud for free.

Yes, but my point is that if you want to stick with Apple, even if you buy every upgrade, you have to deal with having outdated technology like 10+ months a year. With the constant stream of Android devices hitting the market this is an area where Apple just can't compete.

"Quite well, actually"