
I can't wait until the hackers get ahold of this and prove it works on the 4. It'll be the multitasking debacle all over again.

I came in here expecting a tongue in cheek "review" that poked fun at the fact that this site will give a glowing review no matter the product because it's made by Apple. This would have been a nice suprise and a little self-deprication would have be funny. However, I found an actual prediction that the OP expects

The same people who say "just iOS" would say "just Windows Phone" and it wasn't always just "5". Apple annouced the ".0" the first few times around.

"They" can call it what they want, but this is what it is. No one complained about how painful it was to say words back when it was iPhone OS 2.0. And yes, "they" did call it that.

Eye Oh Ess Four Point Three Point Three

Camera tracking a glowing orb on a peripheral? This has got to be stepping all over some Move patents.

I have a Mac, thank you very much, so I know where all this stuff is. You'll note my original comment was about the Cut command because I knew very well that it wasn't in all those locations and sure as hell isn't as accessible as a big ass "Cut" button. That was my point. One of 2 things is true: Either you don't

If you look at my original comment, it said CUT. Go ahead and count the ways to do that.

So you're saying that an option to "Cut" in the edit and context menus on OS X? Wanna take another look?

It's funny. Apple prides itself on being user friendly and intuitive, yet here you are saying that you need to know keyboard shortcuts just to do basic functions. Unless you already know the shortcut you have to look have to go looking for it. But with the ribbon you just drop it down and click the button. Super

A fool and his money...

Which one of those buttons lets you cut and paste?

It's one thing to go to yellow alert when you hear something like this and prepare youself for someone who is genuinely weird. It's another to completely cast someone you don't even know aside because of it. Did it cross your mind, at all, that maybe the reason why the geek crowd admires him so much is because he's

It'll be twice as user friendly and twice the cost. That model may work a lot for a lot of their products, but if they plan to displace cable it'll have to be competitively priced.

If it was up to Apple you wouldn't be able to build anything, period. Don't give credit to Apple for something they are completely against.

Considering the leaps in logic that you are making here you could just as easily say that the original creator of the PC invented all this shit. Just because you invent (or more accurately, re-define) something doesn't mean you get credit for everything that it may or may not have inspired. Good grief.

OH, so you're petty. You're just going to back out of backing up your ridiculous claims because you 'don't like me'. Yeah, don't have children, or at least grow up first. I don't have a chip on my shoulder, but you'll have to excuse me if some punk kid who knows nothing of raising a child tries to question my

I'm not arguing that there aren't some reasons why cable companies may not wish to add this capability. I was just correcting how you mispoke. You don't need to get all bent out of shape about it. I'm not being pedantic. "Cutting the cable" is a well established figure of speech regarding getting rid of cable

Not annoyed, just signed in after several days and saw the notification about the reply. Not everything is as dramatic as you believe nor are you nearly as important as you may think.

"Cutting their cable connections" suggests that they are eliminating cable TV, not scaling back.