
Aren't all cell phone makers supposed to be moving toward a universal micro-usb cell phone charger? That would make putting a MagSafe adapter on an iPhone (and iPod Touch for compatibilty) VERY improbable. Besides, honestly, how many times has someone actually tripped over a dock connector cable? It's not really

You didn't answer my question. Here I'll copy and paste it for you:

So, if they "cut their cable connections", why would they have a set-top box? I don't think you thought this through...

Let's just cut to the chase and why don't you tell us what the future 'best dad ever' is going to do with his child when you need to go to the bathroom, take a shower, unload groceries, or do one of a million other things you can't do with a child in one arm. Go ahead, all of us horrible parents are ready to take

Apple invented aluminum and the adjective "thin". This is blatant.

"The bias is one thing, but the biggest problem is that he didn't even factually report on what was there. Even if we were to take the pamphlet at face value, he's claiming it takes X steps but anyone with proper vision can see that there's more than one configuration listed. That's just pure ignorance. The lack of a

Where's the 50 that's on? Oh, and where's the reply to the over "50" of my comment? Yeah..

"Merely stating the dozen marked steps for Windows and the 5 for OS X is not bias."

"I just wish commenters would lighten up..."

Exactly. Just like in Windows you been able to right click the wireless icon and select your network since Windows 95. It may not be trolling. I think the likely culprit is that Sam just isn't that techy and doesn't know a thing about the OS he's trying to bash.

Both set of Windows directions (Yes, there's two) have the user setting configurations that I believe are the defaults anyway (just as the Mac side has the user enable AirPort which is likely already enabled). All you really need to do is right-click on the wireless icon in the taskbar, select "McDonald's FREE WiFi".

Pretty sure that since this also protects the back and requires you to snap-in your device, and doesn't attach via magnets that it more closely resembles the incase magazine jacket, which existed since the original iPad and was blatantly ripped off by Apple. Why is it that anything created by Apple automatically

Maybe I don't really understand what this does, but how is having to go up to the corner and switch accounts easier than switching windows? Especially when you factor in the quickness of control/command + tab. Not really seeing how this is a "solution". And how does this not require you to "change the way you

I like everything except the lack of any type of a border around the messages window. The "floating" messages really bother me. There's no order. It feels like everything is just dropped on the page.

"they are essentially glorified hard drives"

Oh, so I completely new device not shipping, that was never supposed to ship is inexcusable, but a simple color variation that has been promised for months not shipping is A.O.K.

It's actually a lot simpler than that. 1 person did it, got famous, everyone wants to copy. It's the typical YouTube video timeline, nothing new here.

VAPORWARE. Remember this the next time to want to rag on the Courier or HP Slate. At least they never had a product page on a store web site nor were they continually promised to be 'coming soon'. Yeah, Apple only announces products that ship. BS.

These already exist. Perhaps you've heard of PO Boxes? Except their USPS only and NO ONE lets you ship to them. What makes you think these would be received any better? Perhaps the better solution, one that people have used for YEARS is to either ship it to work or to a friend/family member/neighbor. It's YOUR

I hate to be "that guy" but TechCrunch had this workaround the day of the announcement courtesy of a commenter. I just hate for some blogger to steal some average joe's thunder.