
Why? Because people are copying what Apple copied to begin with?

Except for the fact that Apple's smart cover is a clone itself

Would've been super to know that the free candy sent you to facebook when you clicked "Get Deal". Now I have to fear for my job. Awesome.

Honest question: Does anyone actually view mail-in rebates as an actual savings that influences a purchase?

Just because your iPhone can run a gimped iMovie doesn't mean it's anywhere near being able to match the features of a desktop OS. 1 GHz processor? 256 MB RAM? 64 GB hard drive. Doesn't that sound even remotely close to a desktop? Give me break, dude. You're speaking of a possible future way further off than the

You do realize the Courier was a concept and was never formally announced, right? They're not "sitting" on anything. It was never actually developed, not even a prototype.

Maybe, just maybe, because Microsoft flat out doesn't care all that much. Sure there's money there, but there's money everywhere. Perhaps's a software company is satisfied with like 90% of the market. You know, they don't HAVE to compete in EVERYTHING. Funny though, that when Apple bides its time it's waiting to

How is this cover ingenious? It does NOTHING to protect the back. Once again Apple took something away and you all praise them for it. Also, what exactly is the point of the improved graphics? You can't see it on that crappy screen.

I think if the iPad 3 rumor is BS then Steve (or whoever does the keynote) needs to address it. I know a lot of people who have waited for the iPad 2 and are now back on the fence. If today's announcement turns out to be "meh" then they may choose to hold off again. That, coupled with the VERY attractive $200 nook

I'm with Spatchmo on this one. A MBP redesign is the kind of thing that only tech-blog people would really care about. It gets no media attention. However, non-tech people care about the iPad and we be livid if their shiny new toy gets out-dated within a year. Especially if it blows the 2 out of the water as this

3 packets. The sign at Chik-Fil-A shows it as such.

So your reasoning is because it appears on the box for the new ones they have to charge for it? What, they have to subsidize the cost of the ink to existing owners? BS. Companies give away software all the time and don't have to jump through accounting loopholes to do it. They're charging a buck because people

Inferences? Sure. If Apple made A dollars with B marketshare over C years, you could infer that in the next D years that if Apple maintains B marketshare that they would make E dollars. HOWEVER, the equation is not that simple. The formula is changing. Based on your logic, if Apple stopped selling the iPhone

Accounting rules? How does Microsoft get away with giving away Microsoft Security Essential and the other crap they offer for free? The only "accounting rule" at play here is Apple need to monetize EVERYTHING.

I think you missed the point. Re-read the last line: "The extra dollar is marginal, sure, but it's a confounding decision, insulting to users, and plain petty".

I'm starting to feel like I'm being trolled....

Wow. You really are a condesending ass just to avoid even entertaining the idea of being remotely wrong about something. Did you even read my response or just skip straight to your essay?

Ok, now imagine wanting to use a mini displayport monitor while using a light peak high speed external drive....

Wait. I thought the draw of Light Peak was that it used the existing USB type port. Also, since when does a connector have its own name? Is 'Light Peak' port not good enough? Please tell me 'Thunderbolt' is an internal code word.

I still don't understand how you can honestly think that it won't mean more profit. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you because of the awful example you gave that you've since abandoned without addressing, but no one is saying that all of a sudden existing app sales will drastically change overnight. An existing app,