
Me? Worked up? I posted one comment and all the FPS fanboys got all in a frenzy. I understand "TEASER"s douche. I was just commenting on the nerve of a company expecting you to pre-order based on a teaser and the willingness of FPS sheep to actually do it.

"Pretty good idea"? Sure. Preorder? Umm, no. Show me the actual game please.

Now if only they could get the landing gear to work...

I can't believe a company would release a trailer that shows so little about the actual gameplay and then have the nerve to say "Pre-order now". They really think FPS fans will buy anything, don't they?

@one800higgins: Well, yeah. I never said said they had a closet full of MyBooks. But even 5TB is still relatively cheap, especially when you buy them in the quantity that a company like Mozy must surely be doing. They want to charge me like $100 a month now to back up 1TB. For that price I can buy a new external

@QuickTek: Yeah, I'm sure people like me weren't helping but we're surely the minority and even if we weren't, 1TB of data isn't that expensive nowadays. It would be different if they allowed existing unlimited users to stay grandfathered in.

F-ing great. I _JUST_ got my HTPC finished backing up 1TB of data after 4 MONTHS of uploading. Now I get to switch services and start all over. Thanks for nothing.

So Microsoft is supposed to waste time, money, and resources on their own implementation when a free, easy, and legal solution already exists? Why? Just to make some Google engineer feel better? Give me a break.

@Retronick: I get what the video was trying to say and I'm not saying I agree or disagree, but that was the most annoying video I've ever seen. Whoever edited that video seriously needs to be banned from YouTube.

@Phoenicks: You realize you joked on PS1 games coming to Android then used SNES games as an example of prime RPGs on the iPhone, right?

@Norbs: Ah, the classic "I'm wrong, but I'm going to act like I'm above you and this conversation so I can give up without admitting I'm actually wrong". Well played. Obviously anyone who doesn't back down to pompous know-it-alls is miserable. Good for your for rising above it.

The clean black bezel is what screams fake to me. No way would Sony let you close this thing and not have a Sony/PSP logo staring at you.

@Norbs: Ok, and I guess complaining about me to another commenter and joking about my user name is NOT being a dick. Bottom line, I admitted fault in saying you were responding to the second link. But then, just to be right about something else, you specifically stated that you were referring to both. Yes, "recent"

@Norbs: You should at least bother to read my response before bashing me and at least have the balls to reply to me when you do it, coward. I thought you were replying to my SECOND comment and then you later confirmed with this nugget: "both those last comments were to your most recent comment". My most recent

@Norbs: The point I was trying to make was that Apple's walled garden approach is no more secure that a "fragmented" (untrue) platform. The iPhone had security issues long before Android was even on the market and continues to have security issue to this day. You have to understand, my comment was directed at the

@siwex80: My bad, your reply came after my second comment so I assumed you were referring to that one since there's no way to know exactly what people are replying to in a given thread. My second example DOES NOT require a jailbroken phone.

@Norbs: Ok, it hard to tell which comment you were replying to. The first required a jailbroken phone but your reply came after my second post which does not.

@Norbs: Same as above. You see the word "jailbreak" and decide to not RTFA. That is the exploit that took advantage of a Safari bug that ALLOWED jailbreaking. Sure, in this case in only led to jailbreaking but it would have been just as easy to use for other means.

@siwex80: Wrong. RTFA. That is the one that does the jailbreaking through a stock Safari exploit.