
@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: Ceeeeenteeeeer....

@siwex80: The original SMS bug was not limited to jailbroken devices:

@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: Riiiiiiiight...

@RuckingFetard: I've been suspended for saying much less about something Apple related. Maybe if he backed up his comment with an actual example it wouldn't seem so trollish. This place is so hipocritical.

If you can't unplug something to charge your gadget you probably can't unplug to stick this contraption on it.

In other words, Apple knew that we'd be able to get around the screws. They just wanted it to be more expensive and difficult. Making something more expensive and difficult to do it the Apple way seems to be business as usual. Nothing to see here.

@GetRevenge32: Gee, I hope they do another story on this new screw so you can post it a third time.

@Emmitt's Malapropisms: I was just saying that saving $10 is hardly even close to a "best deal of the day" considering the other deals here. Plus the fact that he obviously only commented to push his referral link.

@sansa: I think maybe the "limit 1" is what kills that deal.

Someone needs to direct this guy to the PC gaming market where quality is CONSTANTLY improving. At least on consoles you have years to sit back and cruise before the scale increases. Sounds like he's just making execuses for having a crappy game studio.

I do this and I honestly don't remember why. I think maybe it was the direction on my keyboarding teacher back in high school. Funny how one stupid direction from a teacher can affect the rest of your life.

Or, leave you phone on at night and only give your number to people who won't call you in the middle of the night for no reason.

"Come on. This is coincidence yet anything remotely Apple-like is straight rip-off? Fanboyism aside, why is so hard to say Steve copied Picassso? Who frickin cares?"

@VeLAWLceraptor: This has nothing to do with that. People have been complaining about the iPhone's reception since day one.

@sahilm: If anything this will help Android. People love to point the finger at AT&T for Apples signal woes. Once the iPhone is on Verizon and the same issues persist it will allow people to see the iPhone for what it really is.

Come on. This is "coincidence" yet anything that is remotely Apple-like is a straight-up copy? Even the colors are nearly identical. All fanboyism aside, why is it so difficult to say he pulled it from that painting? Who frickin' cares?

Plasma will always be King

Kudos to Apple for making piracy much easier. Before you'd have to pirate each app individually and deal with it's seperate keygen/cracking/etc. quirks . Now they provided a one-stop shop for piracy. Apple piracy, it just works.

@StupidSimple: Urban legend. I'd link the snopes article but I'm at work. This gist of it is that spiders aren't really that dumb.

Does Han shoot first? No? Not interested.