
Wow. You all REALLY editted that to take out the iPhone "fatty" jab. Geez...

At least in Home the avatars are limited to what pre-programmed moves Sony allows. Avatar Kinect sounds like a bunch of perverts simulating intercourse and jerking off on each other. This will be SO much worse.

@Dave Ma: My point is that they claim to be more one minute and then fall back to "just a blog" the next. Also, if they weren't banning people left and right and posting "instructions" on how to comment that are against this very thing it would be much more tolerable. And then, they seriously put an advert on their

@anitesh.jaswal: Right, so because someone else does it too, it's ok. That's grade school logic.

@thomasl2003: Basing your opinion on brand is flawed and ignorant. It's also the kind of thing that is looked down on in the comments. For example, saying something will suck because it's made by Apple is a very quick way to be tagged with 'trollpatrol'. I know Toshiba's long history of numerous crappy Android

@thomasl2003: "we're left with a choice between the opinion of an author that we either agree or disagree with; based on Toshiba's past history, or we get no news of this at all - being that there isn't a review to be had"

@OCEntertainment: You and Kat are probably right. But that's not what I really find at fault here. The probably I have is that there is no hands-on, linked review, or anything else that would suggest that it will suck. There isn't an outline of the features that are missing or badly implemented that would lead you

@NexusSIX: Drake is BaaAAaaack!: I never implied that all "hardcore gamers" DID have smartphones. I was just pointing out the fact that the post makes it seem as though these are two entirely different markets. Smartphones are a lot more common than game consoles and I'm sure a great deal of console owners have

@vinod1978: First of all, it's flat out bad journalism. If Gizmodo want to be protected and carry the rights of journalists (see: iPhone 4 debacle) then they should act as such. You can't be a simple tech opinion blog one day and a full blown professional site the next depending on what suits your needs.

But are they assuming that hardcore gamers don't have smartphones? Seems to me like this will turn out to have a poor return on investment.

"Will this mysterious 10.1-inch Android tablet do any better? Probably not."

Unless they can somehow get Hulu on board via an app or the web browser how do they honestly expect to compete with better offerings from more qualified companies like Apple, Roku, and Boxee? I'm really scratching my head on this one.

Of course. Why write quality articles when you can just hide the criticism? I mean honestly, what purpose does this serve? I'd understand if you had never covered this product, but you have. This is little more than, "heh, look at this junk".

Really Kat? A post dedicated to nothing more than saying "Have any of you idiots bought this thing?" Classy.

@Pissed Off PC Gamer: If you're doing something that takes more than a few beeps then maybe you should just remove the headset.

So if you need to take this key "off" your keychain, you're SOL? This is a solution in search of a problem that doesn't exist. They actually REMOVED a feature from a key (the ability to remove it from the collection) and you call it awesome. This thing needs an Apple logo.

So, since the implementation isn't 'magical' it's no longer any good? Why make it any more complicated that it needs to be?

@Dancing Milkcarton: Ok, if you want to be a dick, I guess you think the idea of a family computer is just as crazy huh? Should every 5 year old have their own laptop? Is a laptop enough like an iPad for ya? Ass.

@Dancing Milkcarton: Oh, get off it. I suppose it would be just as acceptible to require each gamer in a household to purchase their own PS3?