
@Michael Scrip: You lost me at the anti-virus remark. Anyone without their head in the sand knows that OS X has been proven to be as insecure if not more insecure than Windows. However, 90% of the market tends to be a better target for virus writers than the minority of Mac users. Even Apple recommends using

@CallMeJordy265: It's a fanboy circle-jerk. Happens weekly 'round these parts.

@Serolf Divad: So your defense to Apple's quality is to say they're just like everyone else? Kind of an oxymoron don't you think?

Riiiiiight. And soon I'll be doing my job at work on an iPad. The desktop sure is dead and irrelevant. Look, Apple has its fingers in more and completely different markets than Microsoft now so it's not exactly fair to compare them evenly. About the only thing they have in common in that they both make an MP3

You lost me at "It can do anything a real Mac can do"

@FriarNurgle: Maybe the should just rotate it. It looks like they use in in landscape.


@ZFK: You mentioned two companies, it shouldn't be heard to figure out. I'm obviously talking about Bethesda and the way they've rreleased DLC for the 360 WAY before the PS3. That is NOT the 'right thing'.

I just don't understand the draw of spending far more for a less capable computer. I mean, it's bad enough that people buy a more expensive Mac over a more capable PC (I'm one of those fools) but this is way too far. The Apple tax has just graduated to the Air tax. Where people would once pay extra for that glowing

@ZFK: So the right thing is releasing console exclusive DLC that alienates half the fanbase?

Nice work, but dude, get a life.

Live. If you want an e-ink reader, the classic nook is really cheap and the way to go. If you want a color lcd reader, the nook color is much cheaper than the iPad and the way to go. Smart move by Barnes and Noble. You may think the iPad is better but this isn't designed to compete with the iPad feature for

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: You mean an extra $250, making an iPad TWICE as much. Funny how people love to praise how cheap the iPad is and then along comes something half as much and the extra 100% cost is nothing. For twice the price of an iPad you can get a MacBook which is 1000% better than an iPad. Does that mean

It's funny how many of these "broken" things aren't even available on other phones. And number 3? Really? You find out that the feature actually IS there and rather than retract it you say basically say, "I didn't know that so it sucks". You can't hold that against a phone. I had my iPhone for a year and was

"10 Ways Windows Phone Could Be Better"

@vinod1978: There you go again mentioning a mythical group of people who believe the same way as you, and thus indisputable evidence that you're right. I know a ton of people who don't think it feels any different. Right back at cha. How about some links? How about backing up these claims that so many people think

@vinod1978: I've had every iPhone since the first one 3 years. I've spend hours, no DAYS holding each of them. No noticeable difference. You're just trying to win an argument at any cost. As soon as you can wrap your head around the fact that I use Apple products but are NOT biased, respond. I know you didn't see

@vinod1978: Wow, you'll really stretch the facts to win an argument won't you. The iPhone 4 is more difficult to hold? Give me a break.

@vinod1978: It's a smaller device. It doesn't need tapering. Is you iPhone 4 more difficult to handle that your 3GS because it's no longer tapered? No, because it's small. Just because Apple tries to trick people like you into thinking their devices are smaller by tapering them doesn't mean it is necessarily

@Flail: Without "making money" being their number one goal business would fail as no one would invest money in something that has less of a return than it should. Also, "making money" is what creates jobs and stirs the economy, not community service. Lastly, this is NOT a US only "problem".