
Gee, I always kinda felt for the birds but after they pounded that butterfly I think they're just a$$holes. Good. Enjoy the eggs pigs.

Self preservation is your number 1 instinct. NO ONE intentionallly kills theirself to save another unless they have the time to consider the decision.

@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: No, most people's instinct, at least those with driving experience, is to swerve just enough to not lose control and hope the other guys does so also. The only reason it failed this time is because the other car didn't swerve. I don't know what world you live in

@octasquid: You don't see a problem with having to keep 2 of every media file JUST to stay Apple? How exactly is this better?

@38thsignal: I believe the troll he was referring to WAS the asker. Obvious fake question is obvious. I would understand if this was on Digg or a similar site but what is a gadget blog doing posting old images of lame jokes?

Nice that they took one last opportunity to deny there was ever a problem.

I can buy into every bit of this except for the flight attendant part. They don't exactly hire the brightest people to do that job. I would think in order to do this they'd have to raise their standards and pay them all more. The cost savings at that point would have to be significantly lower and probably too low

@bbeesley: Sure that's a great argument if the only use you have for you music collection is to listen to it through a mp3 player. Otherwise, you're stuck with having to have 2 copies.

@bbeesley: But what other uses does it have as a wrist device? You try using it to do any of the things you listed and you'll look like a colossal fool.

It's a sad day when even Steve's jokes get made into products for fanboys with too much money. In all seriousness, this would have been cool like 10 years ago but almost no one that I know wears a watch anymore.

@Vidikron: Then you either didn't know what you were doing, had atrocious health insurance, or are truly the exception to the rule. My mother had 3 children taken care of with health insurance and my brother had his child's birth completely taken care of by a government program.

@c2yoshi: I was defending the United Way against the idea the donations get "lost in a spreadsheet". Nothing more. The point is, if you have to broadcast to the world that you've made a donation then maybe it's not as selfless as you think it is. I never said programmers were rich but an educated person more often

@Vidikron: "A child birth, without complications, can easily run in the neighborhood of ten thousand dollars"

Would have been more entertaining if he threw the contents out of the window...

@Surturius: I'm not trying to make anyone feel "bad" I just hate how people jump on a cause like this because it looks good. How about not posting your donation if it's truly altruistic? Most of them are opening their wallets/purses for the first time and they want to act like they're better than someone such as

@Vidikron: Reading comprehension. Try reading the line before and THEN that line again. I proposed two scenarios: 1) She needs help and gets it from a charitable organization 2) She doesn't need help. You see, that's why the word "Otherwise" precedes that statement.

@Vidikron: My comment is an opinion just as everyone elses. I never state it as a "fact". I know appearing to have a heart is trendy but you people need to come down off your podiums.

@benu302000: There's no doubt in my mind that I've done more good and touched more families with my monthly donations to the Metro United Way than anyone could possibly do by donating to this fund. So now you have to see a picture of a victim before you can feel the need to contribute? Do you donate monthly to the