
@Aaron Crabtree: Maybe because Big Bang has never been (legitimately) available online in any form. Or maybe he was making a joke...

@HektikLyfe: No, I had to guess what you were trying to say smartass. Just because I guessed correctly doesn't make your comment any less ridiculous.

I hate every single one of you for living someplace much nicer than I do.

It still doesn't seem too safe for the child.

@HektikLyfe: I'm not really seeing the point of your post but I'll try to answer anyway. I don't know if I'll always have an iPhone or not. Over time that's becomes less and less of a possibility. The one thing I struggle with most is the thought of losing the apps I've paid good money for, especially the GPS app.

@Jeremy Cantrell: My point was that you either had to stop using them for a while after you upgrade, or you had to avoid upgrading. I'm well aware of the way it all works.

@hated: My point was that you had to choose....

@NuevoLeon: That's exactly what I mean. Everytime I'd upgrade I'd have to wait for the next jailbreak solution. What if the next solution never arrives?

Doesn't this kind of tech already exist, without the ridiculous looking pad?

No way I'm ever paying for a jailbreak app. The prospect of having to continuously choose between upgrading or losing apps at any moment is too much.

This happens ALL the time at UPS. At least in those instances it isn't their fault for the crappy packaging.

Where are the ants? I just see a bunch of dirt moving around. Very underwhelming.

CEO of company A doesn't like that company B made money. In other news, the sky is still blue. Definitely worthy of a huge graphic.

Shame. This would have been the perfect game for Move and would have sold a lot a controllers.

@tomsomething: Maybe. I perceived the tone of your post to suggest that you didn't agree with the public perception. If I'm wrong, we agree. Otherwise, if you were suggesting it is hipocritical, then we cannot disagree more.

@Tycho Vhargon: It does feel like that at first but it "loosens up" in a short time. Maybe you shouldn't be so impatient.

@tomsomething: Well, it's kind of hard to apologize for something you didn't do and it's ridiculous to call fixing a problem you caused a "kind gesture". It fits.