
@vinod1978: Yeah, why don't they use real words like "magical".....

And Apple gave out iPhones because Jobs is an altruistic all-around nice guy. Give me a break...

As excited as I am for them to finally make a sackboy available, I'm saddened that this is how they're doing it. There are at least 3 people in my life who would love a sackboy and having to purchase 3 copies just to get them is ridiculous. Why not make them more available?

I'm not quite a Mac power user yet, so can someone tell me how you add these flags in OS X?

@RJackson: Jesus, that a huge picture. How about scaling it down next time? My work computer just about had a stroke opening it up.

@NorwoodIsMyHero: I understand that, but it's just not something I'd do. I get that the sentiment here is that the starred commenters contribute more and they try to protect the site but it just feels wrong that they just get together and judge people's worthiness. It seems to be less about trolling and more about

Wow, never knew about the #trollpatrol tag. I don't know how I feel about the starred commenters getting together and talking about other commenters behind their backs. Just feels wrong. At least you could make it more public somehow. (I know we can all read that thread but unless you stalk it, how do you know

What's the point? Use this app for 2 minutes and you'll be blind and unable to see anyone.

@Gary_7vn: $5000 cleans up a lot more oil than $0. It just seems to me, based on the fallout, that people expected them to go all out and bring in all kinds of experts to get these shots.

@michael: I debated on whether I should even respond because you completely missed the point and you're all over the place.

@krypterband: Maybe I'm a bit older than you but when I started gaming, back in the Atari days, you used a gamepad so that's just how it's "supposed to be" for me. Maybe that's why I hate the Wii so much as well. Video games = gamepad. Also, as I mentioned above, putting gamers on different servers would divide

Am I the only one who is actually RELIEVED that they're not spending any time or money on these photos? By having some unskilled and likely very cheap photographer throw these together it shows they aren't putting too much effort on it. Would you all rather them divert more money away from the oil spill just so you

If they enable keyboard/mouse on the 360/PS3 then it would make those communities themselves unbalanced. They would basically end up segmenting the communities and ultimately losing half their members. Not everyone wants to use a keyboard/mouse and will rush out and buy one. Personally I prefer the gamepad because


A glowing review of the browser with the title "Internet Exploder". Even when Microsoft does good you can't resist.

@NuevoLeon: I opened the product page, asked my question, said "why not?", pressed "add to cart" and the button disappeared. If only I hadn't hesitated.

So I could order one now and get a refund next week, right? I'd like to get a head start on the mob.

So, how do we redeem this offer? Did they actually address that?