
@CaptainJack: With streaming, it's kind of like the app store. Quantity, not quality. I struggle at times to find anything worth watching. It's mainly old TV shows no one cares about and 'C' level movies no one has heard of. The quality of Netflix pales in comparison to Hulu. The discs are not quite as big a deal

No CBS, no deal. I need my Big Bang.

Now I just need a way to watch sports and I can officially ditch cable.

Cookoo, Cookoo

Seems like an easy way to get around carrier exclusivity. Verizon iFone anyone?

@Rob47: "so-called mistakes"? OH, so these are FEATURES!

Seriously guys. What more does this man have to do before you all realize he's an a$$hole?

"We have tons of replacement phones in-stock."

So who is so dedicated that they are willing to stand in line for 9 hours, but not preorder? I'm confused.

That really wasn't all that bad. More of a horizontal toss, not much drop. Packages get tossed around a lot worse than that during the automated sorting and at the factories they're packaged at. If this scares you then you need to shop exclusively at brick and mortar stores. On second thought, even the inventories

@Imtheredude: I think it just boils down to Apple's implementation. Since the switch is in the multitasking tray it just isn't available unless you can multitask.

@Benguin: Yes, there a switch in mail settings. This only applies to the standard Gmail setup, if you use Google Sync (Exchange) to sync your mail, contacts, and calendars this isn't an option.

@Benguin: Yes, there a switch in mail settings. This only applies to the standard Gmail setup, if you use Google Sync (Exchange) to sync your mail, contacts, and calendars this isn't an option.

@Badmofo: My point is that the XBox folks don't see the fees as a burden and would probably never cancel. Yet the dues seem like such a burden and cancelation is a given with PSN+. Seems kinda hypocritical. And what games don't you lose with XBox Live Gold? The ones you paid for?

I wonder how many people who are complaining about losing their games if they cancel their PSN+ membership willingly pay their XBox Live Gold Membership dues every month without a second thought....

I wonder how many people who are complaining about losing their games if they cancel their PSN+ membership willingly pay their XBox Live Gold Membership dues every month without a second thought....

Here are all the wonderful things that Bing can do... "Do these upgrades make Bing a Google killer? No, not by a long shot"

@eCommArchitect: It's not Ask Jeeves. Sure, Google's logarithm work better with this type of query, but other types work better on Bing and a sample of 1 isn't very definitive. You may also notice in Bing, to the left where you cut off your graphic, it lists several searches that will return the result you're looking

@Tony Kaye: The latest redsn0w has a simple checkbox for multitasking and wallpapers during jailbreak.