Anyone having to plan a bachelorette party should ask the bride what she is up for to make sure she has a good time and isn't doing something she hates.
*sips skinny whole-milk nonalcoholic Irish macchiato* from their monogrammed thermos
I am one of those assholes who hates it—H A T E S it—-when people bring their ill behaved kids to spaces that are otherwise intended for adults so every single on of these pictures for the past few days has made me cringe in sympathetic annoyance for everyone involved, even the obvious classist types who wouldn't even…
Now I want next week's Pop the Question to be declined proposals. Shoes and Valentine's Day weddings are all well and good, but I need some more schadenfreude.
Her and Beck. They don't age.
I'll take all your Igloo Australias and Ariana Grande's and raise you one Annie Freakin' Lennox.
Or at least Shake it Off already.
ELO, Ed Sheeran, Quest love and...John Mayer in a bow tie and glasses in one breath? I know he's supposedly a dick but Jesus, be a fence. The whole thing was perfection.
Are you drunk? It's ok. I am too. But you aren't using punctuation anymore and I do not know if it because of alcohol or how boring this all is.
Ed Sheeran, John Mayer, Herbie Hancock, and ?uestlove. So much awesome and so much douchebag all on one stage.
LOVE her, but wtf is up with that song???
Performing past her bedtime.
would you say...
My daughter saw the Best New Artist award and asked me what was going on. I explained that Sam Smith won the award and the other people did not.
I love how enthusiastic Tay looked at Pharell beating her. Like, I know that with any celebrity you have to question how genuine they ever are in person. Including her. But if the niceness and the way she wears her heart on her sleeve is all an act, then she's like the second coming of Meryl Streep.
Kanye looked like he was ready to bludgeon Ryan Seacrest. I'm here for that. Im glad he dismissed the 'you have ADD' joke with "It's called thinking"
Ok, someone asked this in the red carpet post, but it didn't get a response, so I'm trying again...
Ariana always looks unfriendly, no?