
I mixed up my tools and was like ... that's so wrench?

Veronica Mars The Movie. Yea or nay?

Are there any Boston/Brockton area Jezzies that are looking for coolish new friends? I just moved to the area and I'm already kind of feeling overwhelmed by loneliness .

I've had a pretty good week.... made some job contacts, have a promising job interview on Monday... Yay dance party!

Commiserating here. While I met some interesting people who became short-term (and sometimes regular and ongoing) lovers when I was online dating and DTF myself, there were certainly a lot of people to sort through who gave me the creeps.

Ok you guys, so...

So, I got my first PhD response and I got into UC Davis! All that fear of getting in nowhere lifted off my shoulders. And now I'm feeling super stir-crazy knowing I will more than likely be leaving southern California soon. I've only been in the LA area for a couple years. Anything I should see or do here before I

Where is papa Pope badassery when you need it?

I don't get how Jake was literally Command for a while but he is completely useless in this situation.

One important question: when is Jake taking his clothes off again

We have a winner. Shut it down.

"Do you know how to turn on an oven?"


Dead plant. :(

I love Jake SO MUCH for just running outdoors in his boxers and nothing else.

Jake running through the streets in his boxer briefs, be still my heart

I've been looking at non-white department store options for my wedding dress and keep clicking on the ones that end up being tagged "mother of the bride." I can't even muster the energy to be offended.

I vividly remember the only time I went dress shopping (yes, some straight guys have a sense of style/fashion too and I have a thing for wedding dresses) and was a bit surprised when I didn't get kicked out.

Also, raise your hand if you've ever gotten ridiculously drunk on wine or beer.

Raise your hand if you went to a college that prohibited liquor yet you still drank it any way. This will accomplish nothing except deflecting the issue.