
Caging children and stealing millions of dollars’ worth of a teenager’s labor can both be bad.

I can’t wait until Gruden drafts then inexplicably trades him.

Yeah he’s clearly not referring to The Emoji Movie.

“Nice”- Part time law clerk Rob Gronkowski 

So you’re telling me that NFL teams can adjust their offenses based on personnel? Huh.

Lebron James, in so many ways, seems like an incredible net positive for the world.

I could never have imagined it when he was being profiled by ESPN when he was like 15 or 16 and I was watching it after school. It’s incredible.

I would be cynical since it’s something that was posted to his social media to make him look good, but I agree. He appears to be a good dad, who makes time for his kids even though he has a million projects he’s always working on. And he’s a good person, who donates more money than most of us would ever see in 10

No snark: He seems like a good dad. 

Just look at all these assholes. A room full of people without a redeeming quality among them.

No. I have to say ‘tchup is the bro-iest thing you’ve ever written, and I hope you take that as the insult it’s meant to be. No amount of irony is safe from bro-iness. Please never again.

Can we get an official update on Drew? You don’t have to get into specifics or anything, just a simple “he is doing better should be back soon” would be nice.

Jesus the comments on that other article. People will do anything in order to get out of tipping.

Nah. The overtips to a server are what the bonuses are to people that work in the corporate world. In the corporate world, you are paid a salary, and you don’t get paid what the client thinks it was worth.

lol who do you think owns these “small-budget teams”? How much do you think those owners are worth?

I’ve had this same argument with so many Twins fans around Mauer’s retirement. You almost always hear some version of “they overpaid him.” With the only correct response being “who gives a shit?” The Pohlads have artificially capped what they spend the entire time I’ve been alive, even as the state built them a new

There are so many things that are incorrect with this comment.

People say this as if small market teams are run by some Mom & Pop operation on a shoestring budget. Bottom line: there are 30 MLB teams and 585 billionaires in the US alone. If you can’t make it work and stay competitive without creating an artificial means of wage suppression, sell your team to a billionaire who

The “Nobody cares as much as me and I want everyone to know I think they are lazy” guy is like the most insufferable teammate 

I *did* grow up watching him play.

Harold Baines a HOF but not Kenny Lofton.

Sure, sure.