
“That’s not a testimonial of their talent, just a pathetic after effect of misogynistic the recording industry is.”

When even Gronk is smart enough to retire, it’s hard to hold a grudge against Andrew Luck

The Cowboys are “America’s Team” in that we have a president who suggested we nuke hurricanes. That is the Cowboys.

Remember when Tony Romo retired and everyone was like, “LOL, bout time, mush brain.” Then he became an announcer was was actually enjoyable, interesting and insightful?
Jason Witten is bizzaro Tony Romo.

Don’t you have more important things to do? Like throwing bananas at black soccer players?

Rolled my eyes so hard I saw my own brain.

demonstrate their appreciation to the RCAF, including its board of directors, staff and investors

I feel like the only thing you got right was counting to three successfully.

She’s a woman. Whatever slight advantage she may have is natural. It’s not different than Micheal Phelps freakishly long arms and 130% natural lung capacity that may or may not be related to Marfan Syndrome. You will never be able to convince me that this targeted attack on her isn’t racially motivated because

The majority of the trolls who want to make some sort of discriminatory comment have never ran half a mile in their entire lives. 

I swear to god, five years ago every other Thursday night game was Jags-Titans. I know that if you look this up online, it says that this didn’t happen. But in my soul, I know this to be true.

I’d say that being a game out of the WC at the end of July and thus actively “contending” for a spot is the definition of a contender, yes.

They’re one game out of the second wild card spot and about to start a series with Tampa so....yeah.

Yeah, Syndergaard is younger than Stroman, but he’s not quite as, ah...urban. You get what I’m saying? Got a real wholesome upbringing. Seems like he runs with a good crowd. The kind of guy I’d want my daughter to date. Sometimes a boy just needs somebody he can look up to.

Your buddy sounds like an insufferable dick

i mean, total transparency, she has never seemed sated afterwards.

I live in Oregon but once you get outside of Portland, Eugene and Bend we’re overrun with proudly uneducated white supremacist MAGAts. Though the same can be said for Washington anywhere outside of Seattle. I haven’t been to Idaho but I heard Cour d’Alane and areas up north are beautiful and Boise is really nice but

Which states have the biggest disparity between how beautiful the state’s geography is and how terrible the people are?

This is going into the same bank as the video where Buzz Aldrin punched a moon-landing denier in his dumbass face

Plus the video of Richard Spencer getting sucker-punched on TV.