
Just ignore the one part that everyone will see, folks.

You need something.

Clemens is 3rd all time in WAR, and 1st in the modern era trailing only Cy Young and Walter Johnson all time.

Not sure what level of sarcasm you’re operating under or if you really think this article is being “needlessly pedantic” but I suggest actually read the article. Take notes this time instead of just coming up with a lame quip.

on the contrary, the more time he spends on trivial stuff like this, the less time he has to spend doing criminal shit

...with a 90-yard touchdown run from Adrian Peterson

Yes, Chris. We all know that guy. But looking objectively, the guy is a marginal NFL quarterback under the best circumstances. Yeah, sure, he had some success and even pulled off some heroics in the playoffs, when it counts the most. But he comes with so much baggage - the kneeling, the outsized media attention, the

How is he not the most powerful? He rules the legislative branch, he refused to defend the executive branch at a time when the integrity of the electoral process was under attack from a foreign sovereign nation so that the candidate from his party could win, and he has repeatedly rewritten the rules for how the

[clears throat]

I adore Linda like 98% of the time. There’s 2% of the time when she’s just almost too much. She—and Teddy—were edging into that 2% this episode. During those rare times, though, is when I realize what a gem of a human being they’ve shown that Bob Belcher can be. In most other sitcoms, he’d be the gruff, grumpy guy put

Another thing to be thankful for this holiday.

The only thing you missed in the paying your dues intro is "exposure", what so many jerks think musicians should be paid in.

The affluent “paying your dues” crowd really has a horrific blind spot when it comes to how their affluence helps them out. A year ago, a friend of mine, who has always spoken of how hard she worked over the years to get to the point she’s at now, and I were talking about the disparity in our upbringings. When I dared

So, since the former bosses of Deadspin/Gawker were shitbags, Deadspin may never ever report on the shitbaggery of other bosses? Is that the point?

“He was essentially [saying] that being condescended to was part of the job, while being condescending,”

If you’ve ever read the comment section of (I don’t recommend this) you’ll understand why a compete jackass is not viewed as an aberration.

The only people who can succeed in a system based around his abuse are the people who are capable of accepting his abuse and internalizing his logic and the rest are rejected or give him what he wants so he leaves them alone. That kind of a bullshit attitude will only take you as far as the White House though

I’m suspect of any news media organization — which definitionally  relies on getting comments from the people they write about — that refuses to comment when they are the subject of the story.

“On that point, it remains impressive just how much Bob’s Burgers has built up Louise from her early days. At this point, Louise’s softer side has become a storytelling shorthand, one that doesn’t need a lot of episode-specific development for the audience to understand what’s going on.

The episodes starts with my favorite Bob’s Burger thing: