
That’s kinda the joke. 

MLB teams scored an average of 4.17 runs per game this season. That stat illustrates just how good deGrom was and just how much the Mets sucked ass, in equal measure.

Well, look...he plays in the NL, right? And he pitched in at least 6 innings in all 9 of his losses.

30-0 if the Mets had managed 4 runs per start

You mean the same Ricky Gervais who’s repeatedly been criticized for being a right wing shithead who pretends he’s not one for the last several years? Seems like it fits just fine.

“That she’s a Sandy Hook truther who ripped off Ben Shapiro’s catchphrase is immaterial to all this!”

Yeah but still.

You missed the part where Gladwell specifically asked Simmons to be on the podcast to drop these ramblings of a lunatic. He came up with this idea and said “I simply MUST get this out into the world as fast as humanly possible”. 

Hanging around long past his usefulness? What is this guy, a baby boomer in middle management?

The Franchise Tag should double every consecutive year it is used. The teams get off way too easy with that shit.

Flat rate - when I played it was $16k(losers)/$32k(winners) for wild card/divisional round, $25k/$50k for conference championship, and $50k/$100k for the Super Bowl.

And what I’m saying is that, yes, that’s true, but Bell will get less than he would get otherwise because he dared to question the power structure. Guaranteed you’ll see the Albert Breers of the world tweeting about how teams are worried about his commitment to football come free agency time.

If owners are willing to collude not to sign Kapernick, I can see them colluding to massively underbid for Bell. 

I always find it amusing that the generation clash is always viewed as being millennials vs baby boomers. Poor old Gen X just gets forgotten, which seems like the most Gen X thing it could really do.

I started typing out a reasoned response to your comment, but then I realized there’s no convincing anyone who uses the “participation trophies” line. So good luck not adjusting to changes in technology and culture and then blaming younger people for the changes you don’t like.

What did the sun ever do to you?

Yeah, the snowflake thing is pretty rich coming from him. Considering that the only noteworthy thing he’s done in his coaching career was a rant complaining about reporting something observed about a player was too unfair.

Can we just take every major college coach and fire them into the sun?  I know there might be a good one or two in there, but I think we can all agree that would be acceptable collateral damage.

“They’re doing themselves a disservice

*andy richter crushes wolf’s head into a diamond.