
“Mac’s existential crisis was out of nowhere.”

What crawled up your ass and died?

What sane person would come out to their imprisoned father through an choreographed number at the lockup? To the adoration of fellow inmates and Frank? Like, they tick that box you explicitly lay out and you are like “nah, not like that!”.

I can’t see the leap you’re making based on a 5 minutes of sincerity among the vast hours of everything else the show has done. That you’re preparing to retroactively adjust everything you think about the show because of this scene and what you anticipate the future to hold?

To me, surrealism is the defining characteristic of the show to a large extent. And a tightly choreographed dance routine to come out to your father in prison? Check.

Yeah, there’s something seriously wrong with these comments. That was freaking stunning and amazing and, honestly, so transgressive that it’s exactly what I’d expect from this show.

The AV Club commentariat is usually pretty clear of garbage hot takes, but not on this article. If you can’t appreciate what Sunny just did, you completely lack the capacity for joy. Sunny “jumped the shark”? Seriously? Fuck you.

I thought it worked, it took this show’s flair for over the top insanity and flipped it on its head. We’ve come to expect this show to wallow in the bloody excrement of human failure, so what could be more shocking after 13 seasons of said shit-rolling than a moment of actual goddamn grace? I’m not saying this should

According to an interview on another site, the whole episode came about because of the overwhelming support from gay fans when Mac came out.

They toyed with the idea of treating Mac’s dance number as a joke but in the end decided to tackle it in a more serious manner. If they had treated it like a joke, they probably

I dunno...Mac might be a terrible person, but his internalized homophobia (hell, his whole ultra-masculine persona) has always had this weirdly tragic edge to it. Like, on the surface Mac comes across as a shallow, douchey, gym-rat bro who tries to be a “badass” and a “tough guy”...but after a while, it became sadder

I thought it made perfect sense and encapsulated his desperate need to be loved and accepted by God, the gang, and his dad. That’s been his primary motivation since season one.

My wife and I cackled all the way through the final scene, but after about 15 seconds it was mostly out of pure joy. Sigur Ros, beautiful choreography, the realization this may be largely why McElhenney got ripped...we were laughing not so much because it was funny, but just so unexpectedly breathtaking. It definitely

So I’m watching it, thinking the writing is maybe a tiny bit improved from the past couple of episodes, still feeling like I’m watching 1/4th of a real Sunny episode with Dennis “out of frame” and Charlie and Dee given one line each.

It’s hard to know what to say. I’m a gay man who got pretty screwed up by my particular religious upbringing and had a very hard time articulating my sexuality to my father (who is an infinitely better man than Mac’s dad). So that final dance was brutal (and my god, if you ever doubted De Vito can act watch his

...well, that was one of the most unexpectedly lovely episodes of TV I’ve ever had the privilege to watch live. Holy shit.

You missed the point. All these coaches talk about how they teach their YOUNG MEN more than FOOTBAW but about LIFE and HOW TO BE LEADERS and all that other dumb shit. We all know it’s a bullshit lie and this is just an example of it.

It’s not “everyone’s responsibility to tell everyone to vote.”

Except they’re right.

Is this hilarious and enlightening? Absolutely. Is it newsworthy? Since it’s out there, yeah. But that doesn’t change the fact that an Uber driver recording passengers without their consent or knowledge and then posting that video online is a MASSIVE invasion of privacy regardless of the fame level of the passengers.

I have an irrational hatred of people who are always too cold. It also doesn’t help that the cold people I encounter tend to be whiny about it too. You’re right, there’s literally only so much I can take off before I get a call from HR. Whiny fuckers.