
Weird that there are two other writers also named that.

1) They’re human beings deserving of empathy and respect and she has a soul.

It depends on how far you move the goalposts, right? She’s here legally. She came her legally. She’s appropriately followed all policies and procedures, hasn’t committed any crimes, and has filed all renewal paperwork on time. She works, she pays taxes, she’s paid every expensive immigration fee, she paid for her

Yeah, if the Saints defense had given up a big touchdown on that last drive, it would somehow be Thomas’ fault.

The ad wasn’t for Trump running for president. He’s not a candidate for anything this year. So what you cited does not apply.

And were’s what Joe Theismann, then of ESPN, wrote about it:

If Thomas had pulled out a hidden can of Bud Light from under that goal post Troy Aikman would have rubbed his nipples while screaming ‘Dilly Dilly’ to keep his corporate overlords happy.

Joe Buck and Troy Aikman can go buy a Hyundai SUV to get away from it all and then get eaten by a bear.

‘Old Men Hate Fun’

I watched most of the game but missed that celebration. I say, if you earn it on the field, then go for it. Also, this is what clinched it for me:

Counterpoints: a) he’s awesome; b) he can support himself for life off of fan conventions; c) he’s awesome; d) he’s easily Outback Steakhouse material; e) your manager at the Wawa said to get back to work

Keeping Durkin on as coach is pathetic and cowardly of the university. The man was running the football team, which had a player die due to their negligence. There is no way he should still be employed as a football coach. Disgusting.

We have a perfectly good flag to honor cops and others who put their lives on the line.

If you want to honor cops, do so.  Just um...don’t use the BlueLivesMatter bullshit that was solely created to downplay the BlackLivesMatter movement...just saying.

How about a big FUCK YOU to you for not knowing that the BlueLivesMatter BULLSHIT was solely to counter the BLM movement?

Nadal and Djokovic cited the duration of their commitment and the need for more information as reason$ to be cautiou$.

The fact that he’s concerned that he did a bad job when he didn’t is a sign that he is a good dad.

I’m sure John Oliver’s weekly English-language comedy show on a premium American television channel was a major part in Brazil electing a fascist psychopath.

I honestly don’t think he wonders that.