
So, given that Russia, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia are all massively oppressive despotic governments, how about *none* of them are cool places for athletes to let themselves be used as pawns in political public relations operations, rather than just say we shouldn’t attack anyone? They’re not “carrying on with their

If you are a licensed attorney, that may not be something you want to admit given the idiocy of your first post and this post. 

Lawsuits exist to ensure that when people cause damage, and are at fault for causing that damage, that person is held liable for causing that damage. Legally, we decided long ago that damages in the form of emotional and mental distress, even though they aren’t strictly quantifiable the way that property damage or

It’s a civil suit so it makes sense to request damages commensurate with Brown’s wealth and income. Almost dying can impact anyone, and yeah, a 3 foot tall vase falling from 15 stories up is deadly, so 15K doesn’t seem out of reason at all... It would cover the cost of counseling for years if that’s necessary.

I winced reading this 

Don’t ya just hate it when your paper sack of eighty large goes missing? 

THIS. 98.687 percent of the population between the ages of 21-65 has a laptop, a smart phone, and an internet connection. NO ONE NEEDS TO WORK IN AN OFFICE.

All that should matter to a boss is that you get your shit done, and a shitty boss is one who doesn’t trust you to do it. I’ve met people who stay at work for hours on end and do absolutely nothing.

Here’s the thing: there is almost never a magic bullet in politics. They get mythologized by the media (like the Howard Dean Scream, or the “Have you no decency?” moment with McCarthy), but they are rare.

Probably not, but it’s a good tune to listen to while the ship sinks.

I haven’t seen anyone justify Khabib’s actions.  What I do see is a lot of people wanting Dana and the UFC to admit that they did spur this on.  They sat idly by and let Connor say vile things all because it sold PPVs.  Now the ramifications of letting Connor run wild and using his words in their marketing campaign

So like, the Venn diagram of people who still like McGregor and MAGA chuds is a single overlapping circle, right?

It adds up when you remember that professional sports leagues don’t give a shit about domestic abuse.

I mean, Oakland won 97 games as well. It’s just been a weird year, man.

Virgil Trucks

Im fine with imprisoning anyone who fucking says “fake news”.

There were occasionally good sketches, or at least one sketch and one filmed piece (Career Day, and the 80's college party). One wonders how it would’ve gone if they didn’t have to yield so much time to Kanye, who was a last minute addition to replace Arianna Grande. I imagine they had to agree to 3 songs in order to

Frank Beard disagrees.

Any time I read reports like this, I don’t rush to judgement until I’ve heard from the kicker.

As Darmstadter pointed out for the Post, college football, like most physical and insular workplaces, is not believed by many players to be a normal work environment, making it harder to call Court’s abusive behavior for what it is.