
Once again, I’m on the side of the person who didn’t use the term “disrespected.”

Actually, this is about Washington’s NFL team, the Seahawks.

I referenced this today in the lunchroom at work, saying that now drinking Pepsi is the newest way to own the libs.  Everyone looked at me like I had three heads.  It was then I remembered that they spend all day working, while I surf the web reading phrases such as “own the libs.”  

This is a little wild, and hear me out, because it’s a little complex: porn stars are human beings and have the right to refuse sex the same as any other person in any other industry

the fuck does that have to do with anything?

Yeah, but it’s not like the year Chase was on was so much better. Seriously, we’ve all been watching “best of” compilations for years, but go back and watch a full, unedited episode sometime. If there’s one funny sketch in five, it’s a good episode.

tl;dr- technically too long to read

Seriously. Who among us hasn’t gotten tapped on the head when we’ve gone down in the box?

I almost did a spit take at that as well.

Is this really the world we want to live in, where we scour through people’s social media posts to find something questionable they said TWO DAYS AGO to destroy their careers?  Honestly, who even cares what a school superintendent said when he was only 53 years and 263 days old?  How do you know he isn’t a completely

I love that he doubled down on it with that “over the history of the NFL” remark. It’s just the cherry on top of that racist, racist sundae.

“When you need precision racism, you can always count on a middle-aged white bumpkin.”

Good thing this guy isn’t in a position to influence young children! 

It took him that long to realize he was on the Bills? 

After Saints last go-ahead FG:

It meant “asshole, dickhead, etc” because of the association with homosexuality, dipshit.

Every man loves a blowjob, right? Yet cocksucker is an insult... it’s almost like the insinuation of gay sex is the actual root. Weird, huh?

Straight dude just can’t figure out why a slur that demeans an entire group of people is a big deal these days

Dude, shut the fuck up. Not every post needs to be how fucking offended or sensitive you are. Take your heavily clutched pearls and insert them.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Brian Stack was liking tweets about it on Twitter the other day. I told him that I still quote that sketch with my best friend constantly. One of the hardest times I’ve ever laughed at the show!