
Is this instance? It would appear so. More generally? I doubt it.

Gawker deserved to go under. It's done worse things to better people.

I'd put RockPaperShotgun way ahead of Kotaku.

I'm kinda tired of being interested in things and finding out Lindelof is attached to them.

Well they sure showed him by proving his point.

I am amused, bemused, shocked, surprised, tickled and ticked off. I am a roller coaster of contradictory reactions that all, at root, stem from a bottomless well of cynicism and the oft confirmed expectation that anyone connected to Trump is a liar, a crook and a shameless, if sometimes inept, opportunist.

I, for one, am shocked. Absolutely shocked.

He really shouldn't have forced this trial.

That's quite a lengthy comment and while I'd like to give it the full response it deserves, I'm tired and frankly not up to it at the moment. One thing I would say, with regards to mischaracterisation (which I concede was hyperbole and obviously somewhat tongue in cheek) and pace; when Twin Peaks first aired, it was

I'm sorry to hear that. I suppose this season isn't for you,

I'm interested.

> but now there's just too many excuses being thrown around

The way DougieCoop's face lit up had me in stitches.

I feel like people making complaints about "bad acting" haven't see anything of Lynch's outside of TP.

"I'm so seriously angry at anyone showing impatience in this new season,"

I remember him being forced into the kitchen by Hank, then being forced out of it by Norma.

I'm going to go out on a limb with my own crazy theory; Sonny Jim is host to a lodge spirit (perhaps the giant - seems benevolent and is free with the thumbs up) or is somehow closely connected to the lodges, being the child of whatever the hell Dougie was.

Harder than it sounds for some.

I wouldn't put much stock in Annie being Cooper's true love.

Yisssss. I use that scene to get people into Twin Peaks.